The Enemy is Among Us.

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( The hated in this country is not covert…it’s on front street for everyone to see. To act as if hatred is fake news is to live in a deep case of denial that might require professional help. Certain people seem to want to shout what they are not, such as a racist or someone dealing with race hatred, but have no problem supporting people, and leaders. One can’t be an ally while supporting policies that would disenfranchise the different groups they claim to champion. Minority, and what it means to be one, is not the same to everyone. This is important because within the ranks of minority people in this country the enemy is among us. Far too often we see those that we’d think should be in solidarity with us speak on behalf of those that would, and have done, us great harm.

Black people see this in each other when someone that looks like us decides they will stand with the oppressor, and we see it with those that would use us to fight a cause while choosing silence when we are under attack. We know those that are blatantly against them. Some of us appreciate their honestly. However, its time we seriously address those that appear to stand with us while destroying us in the voting booth and with those they support.

We know every white person is not a racist. This is understood before anyone decides to state the obvious. However, too many are silent which is complicit, or courting us while supporting politicians and policies that don’t help minorities. Its easy to point to the white women that voted for Trump. It known that there are white women that brand themselves feminists while not standing with women wholeheartedly. They faulter when it comes to some white men or voting in what they feel is the best interest of their husbands and sons. Some want solidarity on women’s issues but feel its okay to have a racist position. We know about the white men that may appear supportive in certain spaces, but when they begin to speak about boarders, or whose taking their jobs, or the rights of police officers you realize they are not allies. They want you to understand they have black friends, they aren’t racist, but they just defended positions that are against you or other people of color. The sad part is these are people you’ve formed some kind of relationship with whether it is at work, school, church, or through your children. They make you realize we are not all one…we aren’t one America regardless of what 45 spews.

The hardest enemy to deal with is the one that looks like us. Yes, we know the blatant puppets we see in the Cabinet, and on the Supreme Court. However, there are black people that can’t admit police brutality is an issue. Even if they believe in giving the police the benefit of the doubt when the body cam shows them what happened they are silent or find a reason for it to be the fault of the victim. It’s the 45 supporters that try to use “logic” in explaining why he isn’t a bad president. They ask what has other presidents done for black people as if the current one has done so much. When you speak to the racial climate of this country, they want us to believe to much is being made of that because we can achieve anything with hard work.

When someone says black people need to love each other and ought not use dating outside of one’s race to bash their own, these people tell us our focus should be loving everyone. We are reminded you can love whoever you choose; they don’t realize calling black people to love each other is not indicting anyone for being in an interracial relationship. Yes, you can love whoever you want, but you don’t have hate your own men and women to do so. The sad thing its not the staunch black conservation that is disturbing to you as much as it being someone in your circle with whom you’ve shared your thoughts and ideas.

In a society where everyone wants to discuss everything, we must be aware of that enemy to our cause that is in our circle. Sometimes it’s the person you thought was an ally, and sometimes its someone of your own race.  Its time we begin to call out the enemy and put them outside of our circle. We can’t build community with that degree of betrayal and negativity. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances that may be the person that has a hand in trying to destroy what you are fighting for. Sometimes we don’t need to post; we need to pay attention to those around us that are posting and telling us what they think…and who they are. Do yourself a favor and believe them.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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