Does Social Media Affect Your Relationship Negatively?

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( If your partner is not fully committed to the relationship offline, then social media is not the issue, your partner is the issue.  Relationships work because the two people involved, make it work.  Social media existence is not an excuse to justify why your partner is cheating on you.  Trust, communication, honesty, respect, are key components in a healthy relationship.  If you suspect that your partner is cheating on you via social media, deal with it.  Have that conversation, but chances are, they were cheating on you offline, previously.

Social media is what you make it.  It can be a positive experience to reconnect with old friends and classmates.  It can help you find and connect with your customers if you are a business owner.  It can be a voice to raise awareness about a public health issue, injustice or oppression to a certain demographic or help create a tool and strategy that encourages us to go out and vote for our first black President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.   Negatively, social media can be used to stir up or create drama just for likes and popularity in the social worlds.  It’s all about how you chose to utilize social media.

There are plenty of success stories of couples who met on social media or couples who are actually doing national or global campaigns for brands together because of the content that they share on social media as a couple.  But again, if you’re partner has given you multiple reasons why you can’t trust them behind your back or in your presence, don’t blame social media.  Take a hard look at the dynamics of your relationship and adjust accordingly.

If someone slides in your partner’s DM and tries to flirt with them or attempt to engage with them in an inappropriate way, it is your partner’s responsibility to set boundaries immediately with that person.  You or your partner should not be secretly engaging with people on social media, texts, calls, etc.   That’s down right disrespectful and you may need to remove yourself from the relationship.

Relationships involves the commitment of two people.  When someone is cheating in the relationship, it’s unhealthy and not equal.  It is a one-sided relationship.  If you can’t trust yourself on social media, remove yourself.  If someone doesn’t respect the boundaries you set in place on social media, block them.  Don’t feel obligated or pressured to be in communication with anyone on social media.  Don’t allow anyone to mistreat you online or offline.

If you have a partner who doesn’t want to be “friends” with you or “follow” you on social media, that should be a warning sign that they are hiding something from you.  Now days, social media is used for almost everything that you can think of and with access like that to anyone in the world, there’s no question that social media can affect relationships.  But you attract what you allow. If your partner is coming home in the middle of the night or constantly lying to you about their whereabouts, it has nothing to do with social media, it’s them and their lack of respect for your relationship with them.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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