How to be healthy while eating a lot at the same time.

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( Diet and exercise: the ultimate combo. The Holy Grail when it comes to getting in shape? Not quite. Actually, it’s the two biggest words everyone hates that we’re not only going to have you get rid of, but redefine, and replace with two things that really do matter. We don’t want to talk about diet and exercise anymore. What we want to talk about our nutrition and training. This is not about a game of semantics. This is about the mind-set that goes into using these words. If you think about it, people that talk about diet and exercise are not all that serious. They’re in it for the short term. They’re looking for those short term successes.


Can you follow a diet? Sure you can follow a diet maybe for three weeks. I can tell you right now, most of the people that are on here that are going to be following diet plans will be off of them after a few weeks or even months. Statistics show that 95% of those will not be following the same eating plan that they were before. Why? Because they are too restrictive. But you can order food online from different restaurants that provides with calorie chart using Swiggy First Time Offer so that it can help you in dieting also. It’s made on false premise. It’s surrounded by things that you don’t normally do and it isn’t that easy to adapt. But nutrition is something different. Nutrition is how you fuel your body. Think about how you fuel your body. If you’re not or been working out, how are you fuelling your muscles?

You’re going to fuel your body from now until the day you die. A diet? I hope not. I hope you are not following diets from until now. What you want to do is start following a nutrition plan. One that allows you to actually live on it. One that gives you the leeway to enjoy some of the things that you like without feeling really deprived. That doesn’t mean that you’ll eat all kinds of junk food and other stuff like that. If you have goals in mind that you might change how that works, but at least you are not going to be thinking about diet. The other half of the equation here is exercise.


What is exercise? To me, it’s purposeless. That means I could be walking through the block all day long but that is not exercising. You have to work enough to burn the calories you are going to eat. If you want to eat as much as you want you to have to keep a record of the calories intake and the calories you are going to burn throughout the day or else you could be fat if that is what you want.

You can set a goal of the nutrition that you are going to fuel your body with and just feed your body the macros that it needs no matter what you eat but make sure this doesn’t come in as handy as you’ll be eating a lot of calories that are going to make you fat but what you can really do here is that you start working out with more resistance and intensity. What that is going to do is help you burn a few more calories to keep your weight in check. You can also add a few cardio sessions in a week to burn more calories. Also if a person is working and don’t have time then he can take online yoga classes using Curefit Offers. This isn’t going to be crazy hard but you surely will have to work a bit harder than ever.

Or you can plan a few cheat days in your week if you don’t want to keep track of your nutrition. So you’ll have to be on a strict diet till it’s your cheat day and then you’re just out there eating whatever you like. But you’ll have to return back to the gym the next day with even more intense workout sessions with a lot of cardio or you will be off track right there. This isn’t easy as well because going back to the diet after eating all the food you like isn’t easy. You’ll crave for that delicious food that you ate the last day. So the next day you’ll have to work out a bit more and eat the food you are surely not going to like.

Overall just keep track of the macros or the nutrition that you need to feed your body and consume that nutrition from the food you like to eat. You don’t have to follow strict diets to accomplish your fitness or weight loss goals but you’ll have to keep an eye on everything you have been eating just to make sure that you worked enough to burn enough calories. Set short term goals and check what suits you the best.

Staff Writer; Ron Jackson

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