The Timeless Power of Sending Love in a Letter.

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( We don’t get much in our mailboxes to stir our hearts these days – in fact, the average American household only receives 10 pieces of personal mail every year. And yet, the timeless act of sending a letter to your spouse or significant other remains one of the most powerful ways to meaningfully express your love for them. Maintaining good communication in a relationship is essential, and writing letters can help remind both of you of your deep and unchanging devotion to one another. Whether they’re pages long or small school notes slipped into their pockets, love letters are an excellent way to keep your fire burning.

Clearly Demonstrates Your Devotion

As more and more commitments and pastimes divide our attention and time, sometimes it can be difficult to show your significant other just how much they mean to you. Making the effort to take time out of your busy day to put pen to paper for a letter demonstrates that your love is your top priority in life, and actually sending the letter to turn up as a surprise in their mailbox only increases how special you’ll make them feel. If taking the time to write the letter is all you can manage in your schedule, you can buy stamps with OnlineStamp from wherever you are so that you can still go that extra distance and send your letter the traditional way.

The Effort Fosters Intimacy

Writing down everything you love about your partner can be a very therapeutic process for yourself as well as an incredible act of vulnerability. In these highly digital days of screens and social media, sitting down to write – and read – a letter can be a welcome change of pace that brings you and your partner back into each other’s company. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a poet, just the effort can foster intimacy in your relationship as it helps clarify and communicate your emotions in one of the purest ways possible.

Letters Are Meaningful Mementos

Letters and notes aren’t only a sweet and powerful way to express your love in the moment, they can become ongoing reminders that your significant other can come back to time and again. Having your words of love on paper in your unique handwriting is so much more meaningful than an online post or text message, and is a physical keepsake that can even be passed on to your children. Recording your feelings in letters can also be a beautiful way to see how much your love grows, and going back over them when times are tough can help remind you how special and important your partner is to you.

Writing a note or letter to the love of your life never goes out of style. Doing so not only lets them know exactly how you feel about them, but shows your devotion, fosters intimacy, and makes for a sweet keepsake to come back to again and again.

Staff Writer; Gary Jackson