Top 5 Points On Why Meditation Should Be Included In the Education of Our Youth.

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(ThyBlackMan.comIn meditation, individuals who use the practice always follow techniques like mindfulness. They will focus minds on an activity or object so as to gain awareness and attention. This also helps them gain mental stability, clear mentality as well as emotional calmness. The practices have been in existence since a long time go in traditions and religions with the aim of self-realization and enlightenment. Lately, the practice is being used to improve lives both privately and in businesses.

Meditation is a practice which is usually used to reduce anxiety, stress, depression, and insomnia as well as giving the person peace of mind and well-being. People who practice meditation on a regular basis always develop a positive attitude to life and have a better perception of many things. They are psychologically strong and always make the right decisions.

Teaching or youths meditation education in schools and seminars will give them such advantages from a young age and when practices as they grow they will be in a better place. Meditation education will help the youths in their academic skills since their mind will always be clear. This will in return help them in social skills. For instance, the students taught meditation in school will show these improvements

  • Higher optimism,
  • Greater positive emotions,
  • Strong self-identity,
  • Great self-acceptance
  • Being mindful of their health
  • Low levels of anxiety, depression, and stress

This has been proved by researchers who pick a bunch of students, observe their behavior before training then take them through

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meditation education. After they have learned the practice and have done it for a good period of time they are observed and their characters recorded then compared to how they were before the program. This has confirmed all the theoretical believes. The group that has gone through meditation education always proves to be better than those who have not gone through. The best thing about meditation is that it does not consume a lot of time or energy. 10 minutes is enough for the desired outcomes.

Young people are in their growth stage and are expected to learn a lot in life. At this stage, they are in school with a lot to study. When growing they face a lot of social challenges that they must balance with their academics.

At the youthful stage, guys will also come to the investment stage where they have to make decisions. All this will call for a clear, positive and stable mind so as to balance all expectations. The discussion below will explain the major advantages of meditation education to youths and hence reasons why it should be taught.

  1. It improves creativity and positivity

Youths who practice meditation will ultimately experience a big positive change in behavior and thinking. When starting, it will always feel hardtop control a young mind for a 10 minutes period. With continued practice and discipline however it becomes easy and you want to keep on practicing. Those practicing will with time begin to feel some calmness. When meditating you begin to know more about yourself and feel peaceful.

While meditating ideas will come to you and due to the positive attitude gained you will go for your dreams. Meditation will actually help you see visions and dreams of helping the youth to become creative.

  1. Improves well being

For those in schools and colleges, meditation will help them just like it helps adults. It will give them calmness, give the restfulness and become more focused. This is because in meditation they will be able to reflect what they have been doing and relax.

Meditation will help the youth improve their attention while reducing problems like fearfulness, depression, and anxiety. This will improve the psychological well-being of the youth practicing meditation. Of importance is that meditation will help us connect with our inner person revealing our inner feelings and therefore planning the future better.

  1. Brain Changes and lowered stress

Meditation has been proven to reduce stress, cardiovascular diseases, anxiety, and stress. It will also help balance heart rate and blood pressure as well as respiratory. It has also been proven that the brain can be changed functionally and structurally thus better mental and emotional states. Youths are highly committed socially, in order to keep high energy and a genuine jovial state, meditation should be practiced as a daily routine. The areas of the brain most affected by meditation are those responsible for positivity and happiness.

  1. Improved IQ levels

The improved brain functionality effect brought by meditation and positivity is felt by all who do this practice repeatedly. Due to all the positivity factors brought by meditation, the IQ of a young person is bound to rise to give them better creativity and intelligence.

  1. Reduced use of drugs and alcohol

Enjoying life has never been a bad thing, however, youths need a positive behavior for them to be successful. Meditation has been found to help youths, as well as adults, get out of drug use. Through having a positive mindset, the one practicing meditation will find themselves reducing all kind of addiction.

Staff Writer; Larry Ford

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