You Have to Live After the Holidays.

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( For some the holiday season is a time for family coming together, memories being made, good food, lots of decorations, and pretty awesome gifts. This can be wonderful is done wisely, or you can find yourself regretting the season once its over. We all want to give good things to our children and family members, but sometimes that needs to be done on a budget. The latest fashion, scents, jewels, and toys won’t feel so great if you are facing eviction two weeks later.

Some people set aside a little money at a time all year in an account just so they can have the holiday season of their choice. This is called foresight and planning. Others shop throughout the year when sales appear, so they aren’t spending everything at one time…again that is good planning. If neither of those things were done it is very important not to overextend your bank account.

Far too often when we think of budgeting it is in the area of gift giving. When hosting family functions, or just being in the holiday spirit, you can find yourself spending just as much if not more. For many of us it starts with the decorations. Let’s be honest…how many trees do we need? Its great to be creative but keep your funds in mind. If you already have your tree additional decorations for the tree, interior of your home, outside your home and not to mention to lights can put a costly strain on you going into December.

Planning out the holiday meal is never a cheap undertaking. Depending on how many you’ll be having over that alone can turn into a huge bill for many, and when added to the decoration expenses some are quietly in financial trouble before the actual shopping begins. It is important to be honest with yourself about what you can do right now, and plan for a bigger celebration in the future if that’s truly what you want.

Holiday giving is not like one’s birthday. Its should be about the spirit of giving which does not mean going for broke on the most expensive items, or a ghastly number of items. Your children will not love you less if they don’t have double digit gifts under the tree. If they get upset about such it might be time to discuss priorities and their perspective about what the holidays should be about. It doesn’t make you a horrible parent, spouse, family member or friend if you can’t buy everything everyone claims they want because you remembered that the bills are due in a matter of weeks. Do what you can to give but keep the necessities in sight.

It is possible to have a good holiday without rushing to the pay day loan place to keep the lights on, or a roof over one’s head. That isn’t wise spending, and its hard on your peace and health. Love and memories are not necessarily measured in dollar amounts. I’m often reminded that some of the greatest gifts I have received have come from a person’s heart. They weren’t the most expensive, but to this day they mean everything to me. Make real memories and moments that are special during the holidays…they don’t have to come with a huge receipt.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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