Stopping Paradise From Becoming A Forgotten City.

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(ThyBlackMan.comLike any country, America has gone through a lot of development since it first started to grow. Entire cities and towns have been born, quickly filling with vast numbers of people, and expanding to be some of the biggest on the planet. Along with this, though, the US also has a long history of abandoning places. Whether the reason to be there in the first place has disappeared or something bad has happened there, this sort of approach is rarely much good. Having been burned to the ground, the city of Paradise, CA looks like it might be next on this list. What exactly would need to be done to keep this area alive, though?

The People

The residents of a city like this are always the most important when it comes to rebuilding. It will be impossible to get other groups to invest in this effort until the local people have shown that they want their homes back, though it isn’t quite as simple as this. Those with insurance will have the easiest route, but there will be a lot of people who simply have to start fresh, costing them a small fortune. Thankfully, charities and funds are already being established to help with this. This should make it easier for people to claim their homes back, though they may need to rebuild them before they can move back in.

The Government

When it comes to infrastructure, public property, and cleaning up, the government will be the ones in control. In a lot of cases, this is where the effort will fall apart. Tax dollars can only go so far, and people from other areas will get annoyed if too much is spent on repairing a place like Paradise, often forcing local and federal agencies to leave them behind. They will also have to deal with a Camp Fire lawsuit or two in this process. People will be annoyed that their homes have gone, and the leaders of a place are often the easiest to blame, even if this means holding back the other work which they would be doing in the process.

The Businesses

Finally, as the last group to influence this sort of rebuild, it’s time to think about the businesses behind it all. Insurance companies are notoriously hard to work with when a natural disaster has taken place. Knowing that they have to spend a lot of money, they will work hard to keep their successful claims down, looking any reason not to pay people. Along with this, though, there also has to be an effort made by local businesses. Much like normal residents, people who own stores, service companies, and other types of business will be essential before a rebuild can take place. Without them, people wouldn’t be able to live there.

The story is likely to change quite a bit over the next few months, especially as more people are pulled from Paradise’s rubble. The survival of the city, though, will only be certain if the right groups work together, and this is a lot harder than it might sound.

Staff Writer; Gary Shaw