“White” America: Marked For Extinction by Evolution.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) All of us reap what we sow. What goes around also comes around. It’s karma. It’s the boomerang affect. Whatever you want to call it, nobody gets away with anything – not really. Not even the most powerful nation in the world. If I were a Caucasian man of British descent (England) in America, I would be terrified that the evil and treachery of my ancestors would boomerang and impact my generation. The blood of slaughtered indigenous people referred to as “American Indians” and the blood of African slaves cries out as a testimony against the colonizers or rather illegal immigrants from Europe who invaded and stole the land we now call the United States. And without any of us ever having to lift a hand, the boomerang flies on its own.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine:         The epidemic of despair among white Americans is causing their premature death. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5607670/

How can I say these things? Because they are true, whether any American likes it or not. As the first element of proof, I offer The Census Bureau and Harvard information which has already projected that “white” people will soon become a minority in this country and their mortality rates are rising via consistent population decline. See page 7, table 3 of the  2018 Demographic Turning Points for the United States: Population Projections for 2020 to 2060 . You can download the pdf report and keep it.

Secondly, the gene that makes Caucasian people “white” often becomes recessive when interracial relationships occur with basically any other group, especially African-Americans and Hispanics. And guess what? Younger people up to age 25 are very open, as a whole, to interracial relationships. So guess who’s coming to dinner? This is a big part of why the war on Hispanics rages. Thirdly, the mortality rate of “white” America is climbing. They are not reproducing as fast as other races or ethnicities. And 2016 was the first year in our lifetime that more “white” people died than were born.



According to Politifact:

“In response to our questions, Castellanos sent us two articles from the New York Times and the Guardian about a 2015 paper by husband-and-wife Princeton economists Angus Deaton and Anne Case. Their research showed that death rates for middle-aged, white Americans had been going up, while they had been going down for every other age, race and ethnic group.”

Refer to the charts on Pages 2 and 3 of:                                                                                                               The 2015 Projections of the Size and Composition of the U.S. Population:                                               2014 to 2060 Population Estimates and Projections                   https://census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2015/demo/p25-1143.pdf

Hey Billy and Becky: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner and About To Own The Table?

Once “white” people of British descent become the minority, it is only a matter of time before they lose power in politics, corporate America and social status. This must be alarming to those most closely impacted. And for the racists, this will become a nightmare. They cannot kill, incarcerate or oppress the ethnic and interracial storm that is coming, no matter what they do. If I belonged to a “white supremacist” group, I would not be able to sleep at night in anticipation of what is inevitable and the fact that I could do nothing to stop it.

So much for “white supremacy”. Donald Trump and his zombie followers have single-handedly proven there is no such thing. Hitler tried the supremacy card and failed as well, even after the Holocaust of millions of innocent Jews. Look at who did all the mass killings in active shooter incidents in this country from Columbine to Sandy Hook to the Jewish Synagogue, the black church, Vegas etc. The Caucasian community is imploding on itself and self-destructing. There is no dodging the boomerang.

The “good ole boys” of the GOP who control the congress are dinosaurs and their Caucasian replacements neither have the time nor the fortitude nor the skill set to make the impact when a storm is coming. Fortunately archaeology teaches us that dinosaurs become extinct. The “good ole boys” fought their fight and gained their ground on the backs of racism, sexism, segregation, oppression and discrimination. But without those advantages in the coming years, the “good ole boy” replacements won’t gain that type of ground anymore. The clock is ticking, the hourglass is almost empty and time is almost up.

I am not saying all Caucasian people are bad. Nor am I saying they all are racists – just millions of them who voted for Donald Trump, who defend and support him and who do his bidding. And no I am neither brainwashed nor a Democrat. I look at the facts and let the chips fall where they may. But this time Plymouth Rock is sitting in a defective slingshot and you won’t find me weeping over that.


There are many good “white” people who have helped people of color in more ways than I can name and I am a realist, not a racist. But then there are “the others” of Caucasian persuasion in America and the hourglass is almost empty. When I look at the true  history of abductions/captures, slavery, oppression, discrimination, lynchings, rapes, betrayals and invasions used to create America, I cannot shed a tear for the extinction that is coming. Nor should any American ignore the real history.

As we remember unarmed African-Americans shot down in the streets by police (http://www.killedbypolice.net), placed on the auction blocks now known as the courts and disproportionately prosecuted and incarcerated in what is now the new plantation called prison, we all have to know that crimes against a people have consequences. And the boomerang is flying.

As we see the beginnings of Adolf Hitler hatred and violence towards Jews in America, Hispanic human beings locked in cages and separated from their families, Muslims discriminated against and African Americans having to answer to police for where they live because racist “white” people called 911, we need to know that the boomerang is flying.

As we see “white” America killing its own in active shooter mass murders at Sandy Hook, Columbine, Vegas and over a hundred other places, we have to know that the boomerang is flying. But the treachery and evil of the past, the present and those who brought it can neither ignore nor avoid when the boomerang lands. We who are not colonizers cannot take that trip into darkness with them because it is a point of no return.

As a people, we African-Americans did not plant the seeds so we choose to have no part of the poison harvest. Nor do we institutionally, politically, economically, legally, theologically nor sociologically deserve to walk that colonizer road into darkness. But we will stand back and watch as the inevitable boomerang flies and time is almost up!

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

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