The Education Of Black Schoolchildren; Bigoted Superintendent Lynn Redden Must Be Watched.

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( Once again an issue has arisen that proves black children are in peril when they engage an educational process headed by those harboring racial bigotry. If one believes that the greatest resource any people have is the minds of their children, Black America should continually shudder at how traumatic and destructive the educational process is on their youth.

As an educator for the majority of my lifetime, I can attest to the fact that the most crucial factor in a students success or failure is the instructor standing at the front of the classroom. The power a teacher wields is phenomenal.

An excellent teacher can make or break a student via encouraging words or criticism and condemnation. It is this understanding which makes me shudder at the thought that Lynn Redden, the superintendent for Onalaska Independent School District, and others like him have any input in the educational pursuits of American children. As with other moments, if one is patient enough, a bigot’s true character will surface.

Just in case you missed it, in the wake of yet another Houston Texans loss, superintendent Redden posted an inflammatory message that conveyed a spate of racial bigotry while criticizing quarterback Deshaun Watson. Redden’s commentary reminds one of a seemingly never-ending pattern of racial bigotry that questioned the mental capabilities and courage of black men to play the crucial quarterback position. Individuals like superintendent Redden have always thought that blacks were better suited for other spots on the gridiron due to their not possessing the intangible elements that make men great leaders. Redden offered his biting criticism via a social media post aimed at the Texans quarterback that read, “You can’t count on a black quarterback.”

I am confident that you understand the grave concern that Redden’s racial bigotry causes for me and anyone else who cares for black children. This concern rises to a crisis level when one considers that Redden and others like him occupy crucial positions that hold much power over the educational process that so many black children are trudging through. One has to wonder what “make or break decisions” this disgraced superintendent made during his tenure that was influenced, if not determined by his racial bigotry. Black America should not be surprised by the presence of Redden as they were warned of such situations by Malcolm X over a half-century ago when he admonished Black America that “Only a fool would let his oppressor educate his children.”

The omnipresent question of what should Black America do about an educational system that has historically failed to serve the majority of their children remains. I am confident that most agree that the issuing of unspecified criticisms devoid of either a well-developed plan or the means of executing it will surely fail.

One thing is sure, if Black America continues to do what it has always done in regards to addressing a flawed, unresponsive, and non-reflective school curriculum, they will continue to get what they have always gotten.


Staff Writer; Dr. James Thomas Jones III

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