The Crossroads; Reflections On My Present Status As A “Race Man/Woman”.

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( I guess that I can attribute my understanding of racial dynamics to my upbringing by self-proclaimed “Race men” and “Race women.” In the segregated world where I learned “knowledge of self,” there were definite rules that must be honored by any means necessary. Failure to do so as a black person in “the land of the free and the home of the brave” usually meant a trouble-filled life.

The rules mentioned above were the following.

  • You are to never trust white people as it is in their very nature to sow seeds of deceit aimed at destroying blacks.
  • You will have to work twice as hard to get half as far as whites.
  • You are Black America’s representative in whatever venue you enter. Failure is not an option as it will make success more difficult for those who come after you.
  • You must remember that there are black rules and white rules; never forget this.
  • Never get mired so far in the white man’s system that we can’t get you out.
  • It is best always to have resources available because whites are not going to provide any access to their cache of goods, particularly in regards to politico-economic power.
  • Always remember that “Race” supersedes every other variable.

Those are the essential rules of life that I was taught by “Race men” that I respected to no end.

I am confident that you understand that the combination of years of experience as a black man combined with an in-depth study of Race causes unexpected things to one’s perspective. Although many may foolishly attribute my never-ending reflections on life to a mid-life crisis, I prefer to think that I am pursuing an elusive understanding of myself and my environs. Regardless of the actual catalyst to this prolonged self-reflection, there is no doubt that “Race” has served as the pivot from which I make my decisions. The benefit of hindsight bolsters my belief that I was groomed to be a “Race man” like my father, grandfathers, and uncles.

There is little room to refute the notion that “Race” has served as a North Star for blacks seeking to navigate their way through the treacherous wilderness that the North American continent has been for our kind since their arrival to the Jamestown colony. Recently, I have been pestered by a serious question of “were those ‘Race men’ who groomed me incorrect about whites and their irredeemable nature?”

I am confident that many wonder why these questions have arisen. I’ll tell you that it has been my continual exposure to well-meaning whites and the uninhibited social circles of my children. These two factors have combined to spark my questioning of the many of the rules I was raised to believe were absolute givens in regards to black life in America. At the forefront of my mind is a significant understanding that one man’s socialization could very well be considered indoctrination by on-lookers. Have I been indoctrinated and led astray by the “Race men” who formed my perspective of the world.

As Paul Robeson eloquently stated, “Here I Stand” at a crossroads that many black men never reach as a result of the traps and snares that our predecessors warned us about. Let me be clear on this point, I do not question the veracity of the teachings mentioned above as they helped guide me to a life that is truly worth living. However, I realize that the world has changed, “Race” has been deemphasized by even my children and many of my peers.

In many ways, the issue facing me is relatively simple. I can stay the course, pass through this crossroads moment and continue honoring all that I know and even continue the tradition of sharing it with the next generation of black men or I can divert from this well worn path by deemphasizing “Race” and loosen future generations of Black America to pursue their dreams without having to tote around the burdensome cloak of “Race” as they travel. Unfortunately for the latter perspective, there is a significant portion of me that believes such a choice would be akin to betrayal of my ancestors and guaranteeing the doom of Black America’s future by allowing them to be little more than lambs going to a slaughter.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Staff Writer; Dr. James Thomas Jones III

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