Four Baseline Wellness Markers to Launch Your Exercise Program.

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( The number one reason most people quit an exercise program a mere weeks after beginning is because they don’t have a concrete plan in place. Part of that plan is knowing your ‘baseline’ markers are BEFORE you begin the program. A baseline marker is simply the measurement tool you use at the beginning of your program as you chart its effectiveness. It’s like getting into a car in Phoenix and driving to San Diego; the first thing you would do is check the gas gauge.

Well, the body is no different. If you want to lose weight, trim the inches or improve your conditioning, you must have an idea of where you are.

The markers that follow will enrich your practical knowledge and give you the wherewithal to plan the most effective program. Once you weigh-in number is obtained, use these four points to get started on exercise success!

Body Fat and BMI Reading

These two numbers are important because they are the most malleable of all the indicators; in other words, you can track your progress most efficiently by being familiar with your body fat and BMI readings. Body fat is the percentage of fat relative to bone and muscle. BMI is the measurement of fat relative to height and weight.


If you do not have a body fat monitor, you can visit a local gym and request a free reading. Overall, set a goal of incrementally reducing your body fat and BMI to 25% or less.


Flexibility is a huge component for getting actively fit; it is often underestimated just how important a dynamic it is in feeling good and energetic throughout the day. Flexibility describes the ability of the joint and surrounding muscles to move through a specific range of motion with ease and without pain. It’s important to get an idea of just how flexible your joints are both now and into the future.


The simplest say to determine your flexibility is to bend over and see if you can touch your toes without bending your knees. If you can’t, time for some flexibility exercises!

Circumference Measurements

This goes without saying: measure your circumference because it, along with body fat and BMI, is an efficient tracking method for results. Some people like to measure all circumference points (biceps, calves etc.). The points of circumference that are most important are the waist, hips and thigh (especially for women). Weight-loss begins with inches!


Try to measure each circumference area consistently at the same spot. Use a felt pen to mark the area previously measured and use that as a guide.

Cardio Conditioning

Your cardio conditioning level at the beginning of an exercise program is important to know. Most likely, if you have been relatively dormant, your conditioning level is poor. It’s best to attach a number to the conditioning level as a means of improving it down the line. The most effective way to measure your conditioning level is a step-up test. Measure your heart rate. Step up and down on a box for three minutes. Then measure your heart rate again. Record that number and then repeat the regimen in two weeks to gauge the progress.


Make sure you eat a light snack at least 45 minutes prior to conducting a cardio conditioning drill.

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –