(ThyBlackMan.com) When was the last time you invested in new footwear? If you think back, it’s been quite a long time. Why not consider buying something that you can wear for work, for special occasions, or for fun? If you need a reason, see if any of these will work. You ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Operating a manufacturing facility requires having the right equipment for just about any work related task. When it comes to forklifts, there are several designs on the market. Rather than assuming you can purchase a single lift and always be covered, it pays to invest in multiple lifts and make ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s great that you have invested in the latest fire protection equipment. The next step is to make sure your employees are properly trained in how to make the most of that equipment. Choosing to create a comprehensive fire and safety plan will serve you well in several ways. Here ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Sh*thole has been uttered on cable news over a dozen times. My only regret is that George Carlin didn’t live long enough to see the barrage of politicians, news anchors and pundits repeat one of the FCC’s seven banned words. Almost a year into this experiment, the polarization in our ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The American Left’s Oprah-mania about her running for president in 2020 is truly absurd. What on earth qualifies Oprah to run our country? I do not consider myself White House material. But if Oprah qualifies, I am a far superior candidate. Years ago when Oprah became a national phenomenon, I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The crux of the most recent public spate involving Donald J. Trump is found in the unfortunate reality that far too many people believe that they are special. It is this belief that leads them to then believe that they should therefore be afforded special treatment regardless of the quality ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There is a popular axiom that states, ‘A fool and his money shall soon part.’ There is quite possibly no more succinct means of describing the current economic state of Black America. Put simply, we have been foolish, if not completely reckless in regards to our collective economic dealings. Things ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Trump predictably wasted no time in crowing that he was the reason for the big plunge in the black jobless rate. It was part his trademark ego, and part a chance to score political points by digging at the Democrats talking. He bellowed his stock campaign spiel, “what do blacks ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) (Excerpts from the book titled, “The Fix This Time” @ amazon.com/dp/B00MI3PD2M). As a life long Democrat, you hate to see your party going down the wrong path. In borrowing a passage from the Holy Bible which is over 2,000 years old; Democrats need to come back to their “first love.” ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Few fathers in America have become as well known as LaVar Ball. The founder of the Big Baller Brand is known for making sports news headlines for numerous reasons involving bold proclamations about himself, his talented basketball sons, or his company. He has been the center of a media whirlwind ...