Tips For Keeping Your Blood Pressure In Check.

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( In order to remain healthy, it is absolutely essential to keep a close eye on your statistics. You pay attention to your blood glucose and your blood pressure. High blood pressure can be very detrimental to your health. It can lead to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. While you might need to take medication to keep your blood pressure at safe levels, you should also consider taking better care of your health. Within this in-depth guide, you will find tips for maintaining safe blood pressure, so you can live a long and fulfilling life.

Losing Weight

Obesity tends to be a major indicator of high blood pressure. If you are obese, there is a pretty good chance that you’re going to experience high blood pressure. Alternatively, it is often possible to push your level lower by losing weight. As your weight begins to decrease, you will also notice that your blood pressure levels begin to decrease. Get on the treadmill and start eating healthier. Before you know it, you’ll lose weight and your blood pressure will decrease to much safer levels.

Keep An Eye On It

It is true that your blood pressure can fluctuate throughout the day. Certain foods can cause your levels to increase rapidly. Also, partaking in certain activities or experiencing certain emotions can cause your levels to move upward or downwards. Before doing anything, you should go ahead and purchase the most accurate blood pressure monitor that money can buy. By using this product regularly, you’ll be able to keep a close eye on your levels. If things get too high, you should take action immediately to avoid serious problems.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar is undeniably delicious. It tends to make all of your foods so much better. Unfortunately, sugar can be very detrimental to your health. If you consume too much sugar, you’re going to see your blood pressure soar higher and higher. While you’re at it, you’ll also want to monitor your intake of refined carbohydrates. By significantly reducing both, you will also be able to keep your blood pressure at safe levels. If you’re going to eat sugary foods, be sure to do so in moderation.

Choose A Low Sodium Diet

Individuals who are struggling with hypertension (high blood pressure) will need to monitor their diet carefully. One of the first things you should do, when it comes to altering your diet is replace table salt (sodium chloride) with healthier alternatives, such as spices and herbs. The sodium found in salt increases the blood pressure, when it enters the bloodstream. It also reduces the kidney’s ability to remove water from the body.

Pepper, ginger, garlic, cardamom and basil are great alternatives to table salt. In fact, these salt substitutes will transform a simple dish into a delicious, healthy meal with refreshing, lively flavors.

Reduce Stress

Stress is related to high blood pressure. And, for this reason you will need to do whatever is necessary to reduce your stress levels. You can do this with simple exercises, such as yoga and walking and getting adequate sleep. Meditation also helps to reduce anxiety, plus it can be performed just about anywhere, including work, school and home.

You can also pamper yourself several hours a day or whenever you find time. A bubble bath, massage and nap will work wonders in reducing your stress levels. If you have limited time to devote to these activities, you can just flip on the radio. Previous studies have revealed that music has a profound effect on the emotions, reducing stress significantly. It’s possible to lower HBP using herbal supplements as well. Read more about the relationship between turmeric and blood pressure.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

You might be surprised to learn that alcohol can be both good and bad for your health. In fact, in small amounts alcohol can have the potential to lower your blood pressure by two to four mm Hg. However, when you overdo it and consume too much that helpful effect goes right out the window. Studies show that woman must limit themselves to one drink a day, whereas men older than age 65 can consume two drinks a day. Not only can consuming too much alcohol raise your blood pressure, but it can also decrease the effects of your blood pressure medication.

Regular Exercise

It should be no big secret that regular exercise routines should be thrown into your everyday life in order to make you healthier. Well, studies are even showing that just 30 minutes of exercise a day can lower your blood pressure by as much as four to nine millimeters Hg. With that being said, once you start exercising you must stick to this routine; otherwise your blood pressure will go right back up once you stop working out. The best types of exercises that can lower your blood pressure are jogging, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, or pretty much anything that gets the cardiovascular system pumping. Speaking with your doctor can be an excellent way to develop a healthy and safe workout routine that will work for you.

Stop Smoking

Did you know that each cigarette you smoke could raise your blood pressure for a few minutes after you finish that cigarette? It is already a well-known fact that smoking is harmful to your health, but now that you know it can affect your blood pressure as well there is simply no better time to quit. Any individual that stops smoking can even add years to his or her life expectancy.

Staff Writer; Greg Brown