(ThyBlackMan.com) Democratic party officials set up a huge table outside a voting precinct in Helena in Shelby County just south of Birmingham. They didn’t try to hide who they were making their vote pitch to at the table. They implored Black voters to think first, second, and last about Democratic Senatorial ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A year ago the Department of Justice was finishing up eight long years of a scandal-plagued term under Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, as President Obama’s political arm. A year later, the department has done a complete 180 degree turn back to upholding – instead of undermining – ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Twelve years ago in this space, I penned a commentary entitled “The case for annexing Mexico,” a partly tongue-in-cheek offering which suggested that if America was going to tolerate such a porous southern border, we might as well make it official and begin negotiations with Mexico toward its annexation. Given ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) An admission application, dissertation, scientific research, scholarship essay and a great variety of other English written papers cause various problems for the students from Australia, the USA, the UK and other countries of the world. Therefore, there appear lots of requests on the Internet that sound like “Who can write ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Do you lack the control to keep your finances in check? It can be frustrating when you know you need to make changes but keep falling short regardless. So what’s causing your lack of financial control? Is it entirely your own fault or are there other factors at work here? ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) One of the things that people don’t always realize when shopping for a steel building is that the roof design is selectable based on several options. Changing a steel building from looking boxy to one that takes on the appearance of a regular residential home or converted office building makes ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I caught video of NFL player Quinton Jefferson trying to climb into the stands to attack a fan who threw food at him. Jefferson was so enraged that it took 3 huge security guys to restrain him. http://bit.ly/2C80Ra0 Obviously, the fan is an idiot and should suffer consequences for his ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There are so many negative stereotypes assigned to black men we often don’t know where to start in the dispelling process. The media tells us we are “super predators”, fatherless, absent fathers, and unable to sustain a family without negative vices. We are told we can’t protect our women, don’t ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “At the December solstice, Earth is positioned in its orbit so that the sun stays below the north pole horizon. As seen from 23-and-a-half degrees south of the equator, at the imaginary line encircling the globe known as the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun shines directly overhead at noon. This ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m approaching my 82nd birthday, and my daughter will occasionally suggest that modernity is perplexing to me because I’m from prehistoric times. As such, it points to one of the unavoidable problems of youth — namely, the temptation to think that today’s behavioral standards have always been. Let’s look at ...
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