Finished Yakuza Kiwami? Download Yakuza Kiwami 2 Demo Now.

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( In North America and Europe, Yakuza Kiwami was released in August this year, players in Japan will get Yakuza Kiwami 2 on December 7. If you have finished playing Yakuza Kiwami and now waiting for Yakuza 6, you can download Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo which is available on Japanese PlayStation Store. To download the demo file which is 9.89 GB, all you need is a Japanese PSN account. Once after setting up the account for yourself, you will not only be able to download the demo version of Kiwami 2, but you will also be able to download and purchase other games which are not available in your region.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of the popular game Yakuza 2. In the game, players control the protagonist Kazuma Kiryu through Osaka and Tokyo. The locations feature different quests and mini-games for players. Kiwami 2 offers the same open world environment and you play it from a third-person perspective. The game follows the plot similar to the story structure of Yakuza 2.

In the gameplay, Sega has added some new features and also brought in some enhancements from the other titles of the game series. The game tries to touch complex areas of the confusing story to help players progress through the game with a clear idea of where the game is taking them. The combat elements are similar to what we have seen in Yakuza.

Both the cities look classy and better than ever. With the help of modern technology, Sega has added more stuff to increase the number of gameplay time. To keep players busy with the game, the developer has introduced some new locations, shops, and restaurants. On the way to your main missions, you will also get to see some quests trying to keep you engaged in some time-consuming activities, but it is fun and it doesn’t create boredom.

Sega has added a ton of new content in the enhanced remake of Yakuza 2. Apart from restaurants and shops, the update brings new mini-games and substories. You’ll find some new BBQ and a new drug store etc. The game now features golfing challenges at Yokobori Golf Center. Once after you reach here, you will be offered two different types of challenges. The first one will require you to stay close to the pin, and in another, you will have to shoot a target and score a bingo. There are club mini-games which you can find in Sotenbori.

During the Tokyo Game Show this year, Sega revealed key information about the game and soon after the trailer release, the company released some more details. The game will now greatly focus on Majima. “The Truth of Majima Goro” story will reveal new details about the character. The story highlights Majima’s rise and other events. Makoto Makmura will also appear in the game. The character appeared in Yakuza 0 and will be shown working in Sotenbori. Ryouta Kawamura, Kei Iibuchi, and Akinobu Uematsu will also appear in the game.

Sega has not announced the game’s European and North American release. It is an obvious guess that the game will not reach these regions anytime soon. Games from the series arrive in Japan first and after a year they appear in other markets. When Sega announced Yakuza Kiwami 2, the company reportedly started running a survey and asked people from other regions to answer a few questions. The survey page is no longer available, but Sega mentioned that it took a survey to know the interest of players who live in different parts of the world. In March 2018, Sega will release Yakuza 6: The Song of Life game. If you are waiting for some fresh content from Yakuza series, you can set up a Japanese PSN account and download the Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo to see what the game looks like.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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