Why Tyrese’s Tears Didn’t Seem to Matter.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) What has happened to Tyrese? Many of us are trying to understand how the artist we loved for songs like “Lately” has gone to one whose voice we don’t want to hear. When did he decide he was self-righteous enough to turn on his core fan base? Was he not taught there is a difference between constructive criticism and arrogance? We don’t know what happened to Tyrese, but sisters and many black folks in general are about tired of him. He’s been on Instagram in a one-sided beef with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and he looks like a fool. He gets on social media and goes live wanting to scold folks about accountability among other things, and his target became black women. So, when Tyrese found himself in a custody situation many overlooked, and disregarded, his supposed pain.

Anyone that has, and loves their children understand that kids are a delicate subject. Taking one’s children can cause a rational person to lose their minds. Our babies are often all that is right in a jacked-up world. Many women have lost their children. there are many good men that fight for relationships with their kids every day. No one would disagree that a father, that appears to love his daughter greatly, would be in serious distress if he’s accused falsely of abuse and is barred from seeing his kid.

The problem is the meltdown came from Tyrese, and it’s hard to feel for someone when they have insistently behaved like an ass. Tyrese was crying out, and he wasn’t in a space where he needed arrogance, judgement or criticism. In that moment he was a vulnerable, if you believe the tears many didn’t see fall, as the people he chooses to talk down to regularly. Some sisters asked the simple question…where is the wife you love so much. Where is your support system? That may seem harsh, but if you have ever listened to a Tyrese tongue lashing it isn’t harsh at all.

Tyrese, no one wanted to dislike you so much. We loved you brother, and your music. However, when you squat on your fan base please don’t think they are going to embrace you and pass the tissue when you hurt. I’m a parent so I am happy that things went well for you regarding your daughter, and I’m glad you decided to call a “truce” in your fighting with The Rock. I just hope you noticed it was a one-sided fight, as the man never bothered to respond to you. We hope this was enough humble pie for you to get off your high horse…though I doubt it.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy

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