(ThyBlackMan.com) A few weeks ago, the white nationalist cop who killed an unarmed urban man in St. Louis had been recently acquitted on all charges against him because prior to his acquittal, he was deliberately given administrative leave by the state for doing exactly what it is that they’re sent to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If a metaphor could be used for this White House, it might be a two-sided coin with President Trump the head and Vice President Mike Pence the tail. The president tends toward the bombastic to get people’s attention and make his points, while his vice president is calm and measured ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Suppose a crooked prosecutor framed someone and was determined to get a conviction. So he built an entire case on tainted, circumstantial evidence, and testimony from witnesses who had their reasons for wanting the guy in jail. Suppose the prosecutor ignored or hid exculpatory evidence and colluded with the judge ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The 2017-18 NFL football season is barely a month old and already it has been swamped in controversy. The storm centers around language the President of the United States of America used when calling for league players “to be fired” for protesting during the national anthem. The president referred to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Google Home Max features and specifications are detailed by Google and according to the company, the focus remains on sound for this product release. Without a doubt, Google could beat both Apple HomePod and Amazon Echo Plus with loud music. The technical specifications confirmed by the company reveal that ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In high school, some of us, we are often introduced to fantasy fiction with titles like “The Hobbit”, and “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. Outside of school many of us read fairy tales, and many other kinds of books. As black people, we don’t read just one thing, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s face it – men don’t like to get their prostate checked. I get that going to the doctor is not fun for some people and when it comes to this particular health issue, the procedure is not pleasant for many men. But the discomfort and awkwardness involved flails in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)There’s a lot of advice available for entrepreneurs. Many guides suggest business owners that they should avoid common business mistakes when they are all set to launch their startup. Many startup entrepreneurs harm their own business in many ways blocking their business growth. Due to many reasons including lack of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last month, there was a lot of discussion about the Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Many people were confused about what the mixed reality is. The things became clear when Microsoft confirmed that the mixed reality headsets are just a place where virtual reality and augmented reality meet. Here’s what ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Many people still believe that their eating habits are one of the biggest reasons for weight gain. Too much food is not always responsible for weight gain, there are some surprising reasons for sudden weight gain, and you probably don’t know about them. Read on to know about the reasons ...