Getting Your Prostate Checked – Why You Should Do It.

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( Let’s face it – men don’t like to get their prostate checked. I get that going to the doctor is not fun for some people and when it comes to this particular health issue, the procedure is not pleasant for many men. But the discomfort and awkwardness involved flails in comparison to what it can save you from. You don’t like it, it sucks, but hey, you’ve got to get it done.

If you’ve been putting it off because you don’t want to deal with it, it’s a good idea to get over your issues and just do it. Because when it comes down to it, just like any other regular check-up, having your prostate checked can save your life. Don’t wait until there is an issue before you go to the doctor. You think getting it checked is a hassle? Imagine actually feeling the effects of prostate cancer.

I am not trying to scare you into doing it, but warning you about its importance. Too many men go years without seeing a doctor simply because they don’t want to. A good majority of you have women in your life that pushes you to go, but for those that don’t, it’s time to swallow your pride, or whatever it is that is keeping you from the checkup, and make an appointment.

Here are just a few reasons why you should get your prostate checked.

Your Family

Everyone has someone that cares about them and not getting your prostate checked (especially if you are over 50) can cause your family a lot of hurt. My father, God rest his soul, went too long without going to the doctor and it ended up costing him his life. If you don’t want to go for yourself, go for your family. They are counting on you.

Save Money

Getting your regular checkups will save you so much money. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer because you neglected to get it checked, you will spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on surgeries, treatments, medicines and more. It may be a bit of a hassle to get the check-ups done, but being in it and actually having prostate cancer is 1000 times worst. I promise you!

Save Lives

If you get checked for prostate cancer and find out that you have the gene for have it, you can potentially save your son or grandson’s life. Knowing early that you may be predisposed to the disease can better help you prepare for it. And by prepare I mean do everything in your power to prevent it. In turn, you can warn and help the men in your life do the same thing. Knowing better undoubtedly helps you do better.

Peace of Mind

It is better to know than not know if you are at risk for something as deadly as cancer. More and more people are dying from some form of it every day and at earlier ages. Don’t be one of those who thought it wouldn’t happen to you.

In life, you have to do the things that you don’t want to so that you can continue doing the things that you love.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah