People Who Want to Maximize Their Success Do These Four Things.

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( How do we maximize our desire for success? First, let’s define success. The best definition I’ve ever heard for success was from the venerable Earl Nightingale: Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

By this definition, who is successful? The answer is obviously the person who is constantly moving toward a goal or ideal of what they perceive to be the best outcome. The key word is ‘progressive’; to keep moving in spite of challenge or opposition.

If we want to maximize this outcome, we have to do think and believe a myriad of truths. Here are four, among many, truths or actions we must adopt to maximize our success.

Do Not Fear Failure

Everything you want is on the other side of fear, writes Jack Canfield. Fear and failure are two sides of the same coin. Once we have failed at a venture – love, business, social networking – we develop a fear of it. People who want to maximize their success do not fear failure. In fact, they welcome it!

This type of person understands well that the only way to succeed is to fail – because that’s where the lessons come from. Indeed, they take chances that the normal person doesn’t take because they intuitively understand that behind every risk is opportunity.

Spend Time Alone

Spending at least thirty minutes per day undisturbed in a quiet place is crucial to maximizing your success. There is power in repose. Those who maximize their success understand the value of retreat and re-invigoration.

Often, for the productive person with a family to tend to, it’s a difficult assignment, though it can be achieved with the right planning and execution. If your kids are young, after you put them to bed affords you an opportune time to slip into a room undisturbed, with all electronics off and a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign posted at the door. Here, collect your thoughts; sit comfortably and focus on your breathing.

Sweat Ten Minutes a Day

I have often written about the value of physical activity because it’s such an important component of maximizing success. How we treat our body goes a long way to constructing our future. Think about it. What good is maximizing your success if your body is frail and weak? Chances are at that rate you won’t be around long enough to enjoy the fruit of your success!

Make a commitment to sweat at least ten minutes a day, even longer if you can. Every eight to ten minutes of your day should be spent moving, especially if your job requires you to sit all day. Maximize your lunch break by eating light and moving heavy – body squats, stairs or a brisk power walk.

Attach Themselves to a Bigger Cause

The person who maximizes success attaches themselves to a bigger cause; they understand that success is not all about them – it’s much bigger! A West African proverb says, I am because we are. We are because I am.

Service to others form the bedrock of the man or woman who seeks maximum success. What we give we shall also receive; the seeds we plant shall become the harvest we reap. This maxim runs the spectrum of business, finance, leadership, parenting and relationships. It is a universal principle and legions of men and women have realized its yield. Only what we do for others will have eternal reward.

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –

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