(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s hard to define what American looks like and how an American should behave. It’s really something that should not have to be defined. You can love your country and still protest its laws and leaders. Standing with your hand over heart is not the only way to honor your country. Not standing for the anthem does not make you any less patriotic. America became a country in 1776 but we didn’t have a National Anthem until 1931. We had patriots before we had a National Anthem. I will only mention the third verse that celebrates the slavery of black people– we can talk about why we probably need a new anthem later. If the only time you honor your Country is when standing at a game you really haven’t invested that much time honoring it at all. The greatest thing about being American is you can freely express your beliefs.
Even your right not to believe is protected. That’s the problem with “one nation under God.” What if your God is not mine or I don’t serve one at all? I am still American and apart of this great Nation. Being American doesn’t mean you must like America all the time. As a citizen it’s your right and duty to use your voice in those moments when you don’t like the direction it’s headed. Protesting is the most patriotic thing you can do. Some of the greatest moments in history that shaped America happened when Americans protested.
Free speech is protected in these parts but be careful not to over simplify free speech. It’s not free at all. When you use your free speech against someone or entire groups of people, they can and will retaliate. We have become experts at branding ourselves- so much that people no longer separate the person from the message. Saying something freely can cost you everything. One must consider this before they open their mouth to voice their opinion. You don’t have to but I highly recommend you do. Examine the cost. Are you willing to pay the price when that invoice comes?
Whether you stand or kneel, agree or disagree- Kaepernick’s protest, by definition, was successful. He captured the attention of a nation. He is forcing most of us to have a tough conversation (there are some that still think this is about a flag). I cannot help but wonder if Colin Kaepernick fully understood the cost of free speech. Did he consider the other side had feelings and ideals too? They too have voices and will defend their position as passionately as he did. Did he think they would readily accept his refusal to stand?
These football players have money and fame but they are very much powerless. The real power is the ones that sign those checks and contracts. They will do anything to protect their power. Those powers give players a check, platform, and the false sense of influence. That influence diminishing rapidly when their actions are viewed as unfavorable. The power decides how far is too far for a player to go. Players must literally surrender their rights and to be a part of that institution. Something seems un-American about that. It implies private businesses are above the law and can suspend the rights of its workers while they are on the clock. They own you when you punch in. Control their access to wealth, you control the person. Modern day slavery. The amount of wealth you have determines how much free speech you can spend. You can also limit the amount others spend if they are on your payroll.
I get it though, there are consequences for our actions, even if you have a right to act.
Did Kaepernick prepare adequately for the real potential that his position could cost him his job? Some of these football players make more in a year then some make in a lifetime. I hope he saved some and invested more. He may never work for those powers again. Before kneeling, I hope he considered his potential to acquire wealth. Think about how much he could do for his brother and sisters with that money. There are gyms that will never be built and donations that will never be given. Did he ever consider “when” he kneeled would over shadow “why” he was kneeling in the first place? I hope he did because it is impossible to go back and stand now. There is a real cost to exercising something that was meant to be free. It’s expensive.
Change will come because of the actions of a few and they will be remembered favorably in history for taking the unpopular positions. That is a chance you take with these types of investments.
Staff Writer; David Spencer
This talented brother also recently self published a book which is entitled; DarkSkin… One may purchase a copy of it over at; http://www.SoundOfDavid.com.
Also feel free to connect via Twitter; TheSoundOfDavid.
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