Readers Theater Performs Stetson Kennedy Legacy “Slave Narratives”.

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( Readers Theater performs at the Ritz Theater The African Village Celebration 2017

The Stetson Kennedy Legacy “The Slave Narratives and Folklore.”

The cast consists of Ari Turner, Rahman Johnson, Tangela Floyd(Director),  Aida Correa, Jereme Raickett, William Jackson (Social Media and Technology).

Their performances highlight the writings and civil rights works of Stetson Kennedy, author and historian; his works with other authors and community activist like Zora Neal Hurston, the “Beach Lady” MaVynee Betsch of American Beach and others that were pioneers in literature, civil rights and humanitarian rights.

“Young Minds Building Success Charities, Inc Series has provided Readers Theater readings for several years in Jacksonville and has performed nationally and internationally sharing the love of literacy and literature.

The readings consists of writings by Stetson Kennedy; Beluthahatchee (place of forgiveness), Folklore: Black Superheroes (Palmetto Country), and Follow the Drinking Gourd. Each reading is a dramatization of the history, language, mannerism and life experiences of those that lived in the historical context of slavery, civil rights, Jim Crow and even the KKK.

Stetson Kennedy is known for infiltrating the KKK and reporting their efforts to law enforcement and recording the activities in books and even in a comic book where Superman battles the KKK.

Celebrating the life of Stetson Kennedy, he is nationally and internationally known for his diverse literary talents, global travel and historic literary exploits.

For more information contact Tangela Floyd at:

Young Minds Building Success
+19046356167 –

Stetson Kennedy Official Web Site:

Klandestine Man:

My Quest To Teach:

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson 

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.