Whitney Houston: Can I Be Me?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Whitney Houston is a timeless voice…a voice that we will always miss. Her voice was one that could move us to tears. There was a large part of me that didn’t want to see this documentary because I was concerned about the perspective. Honestly, I didn’t want to see another “let’s blame Bobby Brown” situation. There was so many things that alluded to Whitney Houston being troubled, and having drug issues that existed before Bobby Brown. He had his issues no doubt, but so did Whitney Houston.

Everything about Bobby Brown was not bad boy, and everything about Whitney Houston was not good girl. When the greats are lost it’s easy to try to place blame on someone. Whitney Houston was so loved, many blamed Bobby Brown, and had no thought for the fact that he did love her. Furthermore, others were so angry that she “ruined” a God gifted voice with drugs it was easier to demonize her, and make her suffering the butt of jokes.

This documentary, if you are a fan, is worth watching but be warned it will make you sad. You will learn some things about her internal struggles which helps shed light on her addiction, and career. Granted the documentary looks at aspects of her life verses taking on her entire life. It felt as though the makers of the documentary wanted the viewer to remember that Whitney Houston was a human being, and her voice, which paved the way for many, was complicated and painful. In short…Whitney Houston had feelings. The film shows footage from others that can share perspective on her life, and it was not a drag Bobby Brown because he destroyed her life perspective.

I can honestly say I’ve never made fun of Whitney Houston’s addiction. I wondered how many people hurt her, or contributed to her pain. I don’t believe she was allowed to truly be herself, and her voice may have been used against her. Check out the documentary, and let me know your thoughts on it. Whitney Houston, as did the greats before her, opened a lot of doors for those that would come after her.

Her voice, though weakened later in her life, withstood enormous pressure. Whitney Houston is still a treasure, and the addition jokes ought to end. From the perspective of this documentary she actually cared what we thought of her. Whitney Houston, we think you are one of the greatest.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy