How Progressives Can Win the Democratic Party’s Civil War.

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( Part A. The Ticket

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has already begun to telegraph Sen. Kamala Harris aka Kamala Clinton as its presumptive nominee. They have already begun to fund her via the Clinton donor network and they have already begin the mass media assault based on a false projection of sexism and racism on to the progressive wing of the party. They have already begun ramping up the assault on progressives who they have deemed to be Bernie Bros; which in and of itself is a sexist term. Given these conditions and given the DNC’s known proclivity to put its finger on its primary election system’s scale by virtue of its elitist/anti-progressive control mechanism known as superdelegates, it is safe to say that any of Kamala Clinton’s progressive primary challengers will face an uphill battle against the very same establishment that fought against the nomination of Bernie Sanders tooth and nail.

A perfect storm is brewing in America. If the country can survive Mr. Trump’s presidency, then the Democratic Party will be presented with a once in a generation opportunity for a bluebath in 2020. That bluebath is currently at risk because of the party’s internal civil war. The potential for eight years of rule by Donald Trump is only feasible because of the party’s internal civil war and it is a civil war which must be settled in its primaries without tearing the party into racial and gender-based factions. Kamala Clinton provides the DNC with a shield against Sen. Bernie Sanders. If Senator Sanders decides to run again, then charges of racism and sexism within the Democratic Party will surely be propelled through DNC propagandist like Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. The DNC and its acolytes are already telegraphing this punch and claiming victimhood with articles like one written by Zerlina Maxwell for calling Kamala Clinton one of the most attacked leaders in America.

Senator Sanders is the most popular politician in America, but he will be 78 years old when the 2020 Democratic Primary is held which many, including this writer, believe to be too old to take the helm of a nation in crisis. Senator Sanders is also not a Democrat, but was allowed to run as a Democrat in 2016. I have doubts that the DNC would let him ruin their next coronation by allowing this again, but Nina Turner is a Democrat. Nina Turner is a black woman. Nina Turner is a bell-weather state Ohioan and Nina Turner is the anti-Kamala.

State Senator Turner takes away the sexist/racist argument that the DNC is projecting that they will use against supporters of Bernie Sanders should he decide to run. She also takes away the right-wing’s argument about California/New York liberals that Kamala Clinton will be susceptible too. She is from the Rust Belt; a region that Trump desperately relies upon for support. The only real deficit that Turner faces is name recognition and that can easily be solved by naming Senator Sanders as her Vice-Presidential running mate at the outset of her campaign.

This action would certainly bring the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party to the Turner/Sanders ticket and would certainly bring America’s political independents who want no parts of Donald Trump without creating a third party and fracturing the political left, which would result in a second Trump term. This is the fight that the Democratic Party should have within its primary and if Turner and Sanders act early enough, they can crowdsource themselves and get ahead of the establishment messaging that will surely come for them. This is how the progressive left can take over the Democratic Party.

Stay tuned for Part B...

Staff Writer; Asani Akida