The Whitification Of Urban Areas: A Form Of Colonial Terrorism In America.

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( Across the country in certain big cities like St. Pete, D.C., Charleston, San Francisco, and Atlanta, many urban residents are often the targets for greedy money hungry parasitic colonial male developers, land speculators, realtors, and business owners through a colonial tactic that I personally call whitification also known to a lot of people as gentrification.

Whitification has always happened in this country since the last century where predominant black areas were wiped out to build places like Central Park in New York as well as doing forceable removals and destruction of predominantly African neighborhoods to build professional sports team stadiums like Turner Field in Atlanta, Georgia and Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida

Here are some notorious examples of whitification.

In 1991, many urban residents in Atlanta’s Vine City neighborhood were forced from their own neighborhood by the local government in the form of their version of “urban renewal” by building The Georgia Dome right across the street from The Vine City subway station and they even lied to the people in the area by claiming that The Georgia Dome “would bring economic development and jobs” to The African community in Vine City and of course it didn’t because the only people that have benefited from The Georgia Dome are the big corporations, developers, and politicians.

In New Orleans, about a year after Hurricane Katrina hit, many areas that were once predominantly urban were basically whitified after many African residents returned to the city and noticed that their former homes have been greatly whitified during their time away from the city.

Even here in Montgomery, it was revealed recently that one of the oldest apartment housing complexes called Smiley Court that had mostly predominantly urban residents will be town down via negro removal and be replaced with what is rumored to be some sort of manufacturing plant from a big corporation.

James Baldwin was a very intelligent and outspoken figure during the 20th century and one of his most famous quotes that he said is that “urban renewal is negro removal” and that statement is so true today in the age of social media and advanced technology.

Here are six main ways that whitification manifests itself.

1. Artificially Raise Rent – One of the biggest ways that whitification often works is that these greedy money hungry colonial mortgage companies and property owners artificially raise up the rent extremely high so that they make impossible for urban residents to keep their home therefore forcing them out of their own homes which leads to being displaced throughout the city.

2. Buy Low, Sell High – In this case, the whitification schemers will come in urban areas and buy the homes and apartment complexes that are boarded up in urban areas and then they call a home remodeling agency to fix up the home/apartment so that they can sell them high to potential white homeowners or business owners.

3. School Closings In Urban Areas – One of the newest ways that they use whitification is to deliberately close down schools in urban areas so that they can remodel those buildings so that they can appeal to wealthy white elitists that will make the whitification process a bit easier for them.

4. Gerrymandering – Another way that The State constantly whitifies urban areas is by cutting up their districts into pieces where they take certain whitified parts of that district and reject the non-whitified parts of that district to manipulate the elections in their favor.

5. Police Containment – The local colonial governments across the country like Oakland, LA, New Orleans, and here in Montgomery spend more than a third of the city’s budget on putting these armed thuggish police officers into our community so that they can uphold the status quo that’s based on systemic oppression and parasitic capitalistic exploitation of oppressed urban people which is directly related to this topic.

6. Perpetuates Homelessness – I have seen stories of urban people who have been deliberately priced out of their homes through whitification schemes like artificially raising the rent that deliberately displaced them and forced them to be homeless on the street without a place to feed, clothe, and house themselves.

The Conclusion – The ways to stop whitification is to buy property, start businesses in the area as well as support the urban businesses that are already in the area so that way the urban people in this country can bring an end to whitification.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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