Karrueche Tran, Chris Brown drama: An Actress or no.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I have to keep it 100 with you I laughed when I was told Karrueche Tran was an actress. The reason being is because I didn’t know who she was until she became Chris Brown’s girlfriend. Furthermore, she remained relevant via her fall outs with Chris Brown. That may seem cold, but it’s the truth…I don’t really respect chicks that earn their name on the strength of some celebrity guy. The reason for this is they have to fight super hard to be disconnected from the shadow of that man…and that freedom may never happen.

Karrueche Tran is beautiful, no doubt about it, but she hasn’t played a role that’s just breakout for her whereby we are able to say look Karreuche is an actress. It seems as though her personal life is bigger than her career. It doesn’t matter if she goes on Instagram to say the altercation at the BET Awards between Chris Brown and Quavo, from Migos, has nothing to do with her. The bottom line is the least common denominator between these two men is Karrueche Tran.

It seems that maybe she should have someone close to her to have a sit down about image in reference to the men in her life. No, she shouldn’t have to do this, but what we should be able to do doesn’t always line up with what is necessary. Like, congratulations on the modeling career and your new role on the show “Claws”. Your character is actually a bit interesting, and I was totally amused. I walked away from watching “Claws” thinking okay Karrueche Tran I see you, and maybe you can get this done as an actress.

Yet, then I remembered Karrueche Tran has a five-year restraining order against Chris Brown whereby he cannot be in 100yrds of him. She says he threatened to kill her, and this is a serious situation. Apparently, a judge agreed with her as her request for the restraining order was granted. However, let me just say this…she knew he was performing at the BET Awards yet she CHOSE to be there also.

Sassy, she was there as a presenter to promote her new show. Okay, but she feared for her life! BET did an amazing job of keeping these two separated whereby Chris Brown would not violate the order. I just have to put it out there that it just sat bad with me…if dude threatened my life to the point I felt the need to involve the courts, and you tell me in advance he will be there I will not.

How does this relate to Karrueche Tran’s acting career? Simply this…I know more about her and Chris Brown than I do about her as an actress. She will have a pretty tall mountain to climb to come fully into her own. Karrueche Tran should start thinking about what she wants her legacy to be right now…successful actress or some entertainers’ girlfriend or ex that happens to be an actress.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy