Donald Trump is Teaching the Lesson.

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(  As much as I detest this current administration beyond the politics I admit there is an important lesson afoot. I must immediately state that the unfortunate part of all of this is the lesson is not being taken seriously enough due to either anger, or compliance. Right now, millions of Americans are outraged by the behavior of the 45th administration. They never thought they’d live to see the office of the President taken so low…or worst of all many could have never imagined this. It seems that Congress can’t get their backbone together, and even the federal courts that took the strongest stand have begun to give a little.

The lesson is simple…what we see in this administration is the truth of our nation. If a person shows you who they are don’t ignore it thinking it won’t apply to you. At what point, blacks, white women, people of color, immigrants and poor white people did you think the words out of Trump’s mouth on the campaign trail was a lie? What made you think he wouldn’t come for you?

This President, and his administration, has exposed the hatred, division, and egotistical nature of this country globally. They have sown seeds that would make every day Americans act against their best interest and give in to their racism, prejudices, bias, and bigotry in an open manner. Truth is Trump is using the hatred that is imbedded in this nation as fuel. There is no need for tact, diplomacy nor hiding hands because the word is out that our administration lacks these things. Trump is teaching everyone watching how to beat a nation into submission, and the question is simple…will it be tolerated.

The free press is a necessary component of “American Democracy” whether we understand it or not. The current president has decided to wage war with any news outlet that would speak against him. Think about it…it doesn’t matter if they are telling the truth he’s coming for them. Those that support this administration don’t realize Trump has empowered a cabinet that does not favor the well-being of the American people. Even if you support him…if you are not in his circle it’s only a matter of time before you are on his chopping block.

This administration doesn’t care about your life, your job, your kids, education, whether or not you are starving…no it doesn’t care. However, it showed you that it would not care, and too many chose to allow their “issues” to jade their better judgment. What we are seeing is nothing new in history. Too many have taken their “freedom” for granted, and they have taken the very idea of leadership for granted. So many people hated Former President Barak Obama for no other reason than he was black. His leadership, intelligence, and dignity meant nothing.

Today, for so many I’m sure it means everything as Americans experience an uncertainty they never expected. Only time will tell if America is truly learning their lesson. I can only wonder if the black person that voted for Donald Trump understand, within their own community, the calamity they helped cause. Regardless of who is in office, due to the system itself, we have a hard time…but this administration is beyond detrimental. The lesson we are enduring is embarrassing, uncomfortable, and it very well may become excruciatingly painful. If America can’t come to terms with her own hatred and hypocrisy…her own blood issues worse than this administration is on the horizon.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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