TMA’s Slandering Of The Urban Community In Montgomery, Alabama – Typical Colonial Media Tactics Of Slandering Urban People, Especially Urban Youth.

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( A few days ago, The Montgomery Advertiser aka The Advertiser wrote a very nasty, slanderous article entitled “OUR VIEW: Hold urban parents accountable for gun violence, too“.

And the title of the article greatly disgusted and offended me personally because the colonial media including The Montgomery Advertiser has a history of perpetuating nasty, vicious, & slanderous narratives against our community especially among our youth regarding the so-called “crime” in urban communities across this country.

Instead of The Advertiser blaming the real culprit of the horizontal violence that often happens in this city being colonialism, they deliberately blame urban parents, urban kids, and the entire urban community here in Montgomery for all the “crime” and horizontal violence going on in the city in typical colonial media style slandering campaign.

Along with other colonial media outlets across the country, The Montgomery Advertiser represents and is The Status Quo that pushes and supports imposed poverty, imposed horizontal violence, imposed ignorance, mass incarceration, the school-to-prison, police containment, and horrible underfunded public schools against our kids and our entire community.

I don’t watch the local colonial news or even read the local colonial papers very much at all is primarily because of these nasty slanderous stories they constantly promote our community in print and on the news.

Montgomery has one of the highest poverty rates in the state of Alabama where more than 60 percent of urban kids live below the poverty line and the main perpetrator that’s responsible for these imposed deplorable and horrendous conditions our community here in Montgomery is called Colonialism.

White imperialism is the real cause of the problems facing our community when they got us living in poverty, perpetuating horizontal violence and division towards one another, keeping a lot of us high on hard drugs like molly and drunk on liquor like patron, and putting out toxic destructive music that negatively affects their psyche as well as incarcerating us on petty nonviolent offenses particularly nonviolent drug offenses that whites often get off on and even psychologically demoralizing and destroying the aspirations and futures of our kids through their public school system via school-to-prison pipeline

I would like to say that this so-called crime that exists in our community like horizontal violence and slinging rocks to provide for kids is the result of the white imperialistic establishments domestically terroristic assault on our community in the 1970s with this “War On Drugs” which was really on our community by deliberately killing 28 Black Panther Party members as well as putting their drugs and guns into our community to get us killed in drug/horizontal violence including giving us barbaric draconian sentences for drug possession and distribution like a 20+ year prison sentence for having a gram of crack in their possession.

Historically and today, colonialists and their media alike have always vilified our community as a community of “criminals, gangsters, thugs, druggies, alcoholics, rapists, sexually promiscuous, angry, violent, etc. Every negative stereotype of us that is often promoted and perpetuated comes specifically from the colonial media.

Whenever so-called “crime” happens in our community, the colonial media is always the very first to publicly slander the victims, the perpetrators, their families, and the entire community.

Here’s an example of the colonial media’s slandering campaign against our community:

“The violence there could be stopped by flooding the zone with police on literally every corner of dangerous neighborhoods,” – Bill O’ Reilly Referring To Urban Chicago In 2013

The Conclusion – I hereby denounce The Montgomery Advertiser’s nasty slanderous piece about our community because the vast majority of us in Montgomery aren’t “criminals, thugs, and trappers” that the colonial media loves to portray of our community.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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