The N-word is a linguistic construct rooted in hatred.

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( The word Nigger is inflammatory; it evokes anger and resentment. The N-word is a linguistic construct rooted in hatred. To be a Nigger is to be excluded from opportunity, ignored by society, and condemned to second-class status. In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries it was clear who America’s Niggers were, but that started changing in the last quarter of the 20th century. American corporation’s unquenching thirst for capital and control of global markets indirectly led to the creation of a new Nigger: working-class whites.

White America woke up one morning with a country that more resembled Married with Children than Leave It to Beaver. The shift

from global producer to global consumer combined with the market demand for the cheapest labor force possible dismantled the American dream. There are millions of Americans who’ve suffered economic hardships due to no fault of their own. It took capital markets a tenth of the time, or roughly 40 years, to do to the psyche of working-class whites what hundreds of years of slavery, Black Codes, and Jim Crow laws did to African-Americans.

Globalization has been to America what integration was to black people: a net loss. At the top, some have done extraordinarily well, but most have ended up worse off. If you want to see America’s future drive through any predominantly black or brown neighborhood. When a community or country consumes more than it produces misery follows. Misery feeds off of anxiety which turns into anger. I recognize the “anger” attributed to working-class whites as fear. Being powerless to control your economic future is scary. Anger is one of the many vehicles for fear, and when people are afraid they often make irrational decisions.

One of the consequences of this fear is the presidency of Donald Trump. The rhetoric he used to get elected was powerful. He successfully convinced enough Americans that he could make their lives better while obscuring the real cause of their despair. Donald Trump’s supporters turned to a symbol of corporate America’s worship at the altar of capitalism to fix the problems caused by global capitalism. The economic hardships families in the Rust Belt are feeling wasn’t caused by women entering the workforce, Pittsburgh and Ohio didn’t shutter steel mills because blacks moved into upper management, and textile plants didn’t send their units of production to China and India because Mexicans crossed the border, yet the misogyny, racism, and xenophobia that were part of his core message were passed off as viable causes for the growing wealth divide in America.

Mississippi, West Virginia, and Kentucky were once the stereotypical face of white poverty. The economic suffering found in small rural counties was seen as a deficiency in moral convictions. Those days are over; America, literally, can’t afford to look at systemic poverty through the lens of Max Weber’s Protestant ethics. Global labor shifts in the forms of automation and outsourcing have undermined many American’s ability to take care of their families. Farming, coal mining, and factory work are no longer viable ways to earn a living in parts of the country that were built around those industries. If you look at the areas of our country hardest hit by Opioid and Methamphetamine addiction you’ll find the corpse of a once prosperous community.

Global capitalism is the ultimate game of winners and losers. The only color markets respect is the color of the currency involved in whatever trade is on deck. American workers of all colors are competing against cheap global labor. There’s not a piece of legislation that can be proposed or enacted that can change the fact that labor costs are the enemy of profits. We can be as protectionist in our trade philosophy as we want, but global commerce is going to happen with or without our consent. America can’t crack down on global corporations that use cheap labor markets to produce the goods they sell.

Americans don’t want to hear that we have to adjust to a new normal. Large scale manufacturing and textile jobs are never coming back. We have to quit letting politicians on the right and the left lie about this fact. Economic populism that isn’t grounded in economic reality does more harm than good. You can get people to pick up pitchforks, but after they’ve walked around aimlessly for a few days and nothing has changed all you’ve done is waste their time.

Working-class whites are feeling the consequences of economic policies crafted by the investment class. I don’t gain any pleasure from their misery. Unemployment in the black community is still two to three times that of their white counterparts. White suffering didn’t replace black and brown suffering it just joined it.

Staff Writer; Danny Cardwell

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