Dealing With Your Emotions When Life Gets You Down.

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(ThyBlackMan.comNone of us are immune to problems, and sometimes they can be unexpected, shattering our daily routine by creating extra challenges for us to overcome. When these situations arise, it is our attitude that matters, and how we deal with the difficulties set before us.

Consider your emotional response

Think about yourself. What events have caused you an upset in your life this week? What emotions have you experienced? You may have dealt with the problem at hand positively or negatively.

For example, how do the following events make you feel?

– Running out of milk in the morning, affecting your daily cup of coffee and bowl of cereal.

– Missing the morning train, resulting in you being late for work.

– Your favorite television program fails to record.

None of the above are life-shattering events, but they may have caused you anger, frustration, and stress. Think about it. Were your emotions appropriate to the problem? You may have been able to handle them differently. For example:

– You may have run out of milk, but there could be an alternative, such as juice and toast for your breakfast.

– You missed the train, but there will be another one along eventually. Perhaps you should resolve to get up earlier in the morning next time.

– Your tv show didn’t record, but it will be on again, and it might be available online with a  catch-up service.

Sometimes, we react emotionally to the smallest of events, but taking a step back from ourselves, we will see how foolish our attitude may have been.

Seek support

Of course, sometimes we deal with bigger problems, and it can feel as if our world is falling apart. For example:

– We lose a loved one.

– We suddenly become unemployed.

– We become involved in an accident, causing us physical and financial damage.

We may not have prepared for any of the above, but there are ways to help us through these difficult times.

– When you have suffered a loss, the grief can be immense. You don’t have to suffer alone, so spend time with others you are close to, or seek counseling.

– There are opportunities available for unemployed people, including financial aid for training and self-employment.

– You may be entitled to compensation if you weren’t at blame for an accident, so seek help from a personal injury lawyer.

Prepare for the unexpected

Okay, so there are situations we can’t prepare for, no matter how hard our planning. However, we can put some things in place to alleviate our stress when challenges arise. For example:

– Take out an insurance policy on your home to deal with unexpected damage or a robbery.

– Have a savings account to keep you afloat during any changes in your financial circumstances.

– Make lifestyle changes, such as getting up earlier for work.

The more we can do to help us deal with our emotions the better, for ourselves and the people around us. Life will deal you a bad hand at times, but you don’t need to let it defeat you.

Staff Writer; George Page