Serena Williams Pregnant, Alexis Ohanian a proud daddy soon.

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( Serena Williams is engaged to Alexis Ohanian, and she is expecting her first baby. We are so happy for her. Motherhood is an awesome experience, but Serena Williams is one of the greatest athletes of this era so many are super excited for her. Granted motherhood changes life for all that encounter it, but apparently, it will fit into the world Serena Williams has created for herself. Her baby is due this fall, and Serena Williams is already planning to come back to tennis in 2018. She is super woman so we believe it can be done.

Why are you calling her Super Woman? Serena Williams was pregnant when he won the Australian Open! That is super woman greatness that has us sailing we are not worthy. Granted us mere mortals are not on her level physically, but whether she realizes it or not she will inspire women to want near athletic shape bodies. Many of us are hitting the gym to so we can be fit while pregnant which is a very positive move for all women. It was already known that Serena Williams was strong, but competing while pregnant just makes celebrating her more of a joy.

Know to address the world of hater, because we know they are out there…please take several seats. This beautiful strong sister is doing her thing…blazing paths and entering motherhood. We don’t need to hear any foolishness about her marrying a man that isn’t black. No foolishness about her having a baby with a man that isn’t black…because many black male athletes have done the exact same thing. Serena Williams winning the Australian Open while pregnant is not her doing too much. We don’t even know if she was aware of her pregnancy at that time, and if she was more power to her. The bottom line is as much as we talk about unity, upliftment and empowerment too many try to do that while hating on people living their life. You can’t do both and remain a positive voice in community.

So, Serena Williams congratulations! So many of us are happy for you, cheering you on in motherhood, and we look forward to seeing you back on the tennis court. You are another example that we, as women, can have it all…the career and the family. You #BlackQueenMagic is strong!

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy

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