Yes, Ole Confederate Statues Are Racist Symbols.

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( If you live in the Commonwealth of Virginia and were able to enjoy Mother’s Day without having to engage in a serious dialog about the white supremacists, Alt-Right Fascists, Neo-Nazis, and the Klan carrying torches in Charlottesville then you were the beneficiary of a gift many people of color didn’t receive. The torch lighting ceremony happened the same day the president who emboldened many them gave the commencement address at Liberty University- less than 100 miles away. People think I’m talking about a historical period when I tell them I live in the heart of the Confederacy, but since the murder of the AME Emmanuel 9, and the subsequent removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina state house, there’s been a pronounced increase in Confederate flag regalia and white aggression. This weekend in Virginia was indicative of the advantageous societal predisposition white skin affords. Some people miss the point in discussions about privilege because they think there’s a big tangible purchase they haven’t received, but too often they ignore, or take for granted, the daily subtleties afforded to them.

I was hesitant to write another article about xenophobia (disguised as economic nationalism) and the racial hostilities perpetrated in the name of God by southern “Christians“, but events like these deserve a full-throated dissent. What happened less than 100 miles from my house in a city I’ve given talks in was active racism in our streets. This wasn’t a peaceful rally. This was a gathering designed to instill fear. This was hate in our streets and there’s no moral equivalence to any of the protest movements we’ve seen over the last few years. It’s not racist when Black people protest because our unarmed brothers and sisters are being murdered by the police.

It’s not racist when people of color want their children to be treated fairly by law enforcement. It’s not racist when people of color demand full access to all of the things citizenship purchases in America, but it is racist when avowed white supremacists gather to talk eugenics while chanting, “All White Lives Matter“. The fact that people of color have to keep delineating between what is and what isn’t racist is a testament to how invested some of our fellow citizens are in remaining willfully ignorant about race in America.

Being Black in the Blue Ridge Mountains means that I’m often the only Black man in a grocery store, restaurant, or public event. When you’re Black in a community like this there’s no hiding from race. There’s no amount of denial that can change the reality you find yourself in: you can’t escape it. The Stars and Bars, Confederate statues, and the almost weekly Civil War reenactments are daily reminders of America’s dark ages. People of color are asked to make snap judgments about the intentions of people who have admiration for symbols synonymous with Black oppression. This is the equivalence of asking the Jewish community to pick out the good guy with a Swastika tattoo, yet this is how the heritage/hate argument functions when reduced to its simplest terms. Tearing down Confederate statues is a meaningless gesture if we leave the system of white supremacy in place they commemorate.

There are some white people who think of themselves as “good” because they don’t engage in overt racism, but what they fail to realize is that willfully ignoring racism is tacit approval of racist behavior. Donald Trump was able to mobilize and activate white supremacists because there wasn’t enough tangible outrage at the words he was using. The right tolerated the racist climate his campaign created because they needed the votes; this same quest for power has caused factions inside the progressive left to believe they can find common ground with avowed white supremacists. This could become the new normal because conservatives don’t want to alienate a key portion of their constituency, and the left is too busy trying to court them. In the meantime, people of color are forced to deal with increasing racial aggressions.

Staff Writer; Danny Cardwell

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