(ThyBlackMan.com)  In an effort to obfuscate Hillary Clinton’s disappointing loss to Donald Trump the Democratic Party and the corporate media are attempting to lay the blame for the shocking smack down of their candidate on Russian president Vladimir Putin.  But the fact of the matter is the Democrats and media have ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “Do you ask what we can do? Unite and build a store of your own. Do you ask where is the money? We have spent more than enough for nonsense.” Maria Stewart “When it comes to success the choice is simple. You can either stand up and be counted or ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Last year, I had saw a video online where famous Miami rapper Trick Daddy did a 1 minute video where he basically praised Becky by saying saying “they’re winning” and black women are “useless”. I can clearly see that some brothers like Trick Daddy have deep self-hate issues that they ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Lots of people want to be entrepreneurs: around two-thirds of people, in fact. But only a very small chunk of those people, around 3 percent, ever bite the bullet and do it. The reasons for this are many. The first is that there’s a big difference between what people want ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Setting up a small business is thrilling at times, terrifying at others. One thing that can be said for certain however, is that it takes a lot of consideration. Most people who start their own business are taken aback before too long by the sheer scope of it. There is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) During an interview after a recent Golden State Warriors’ NBA game Andre Iguodala in reply to a reporter’s question retorted with the following comments “They want a dumb n**ger! I’m going to give you a dumb n**ger’s answer! What would a dumb n**ger say?” His “I do what Massa say” ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We are being told that we should give Donald J Trump a chance as President. We are told that even if we disagree with who the president is we must respect the office of the President. We are being told Donald J Trump won so we need to get over ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Just how many times can you slay someone? If your name was 18-year-old Michael Brown, apparently more than once. The release of new video footage from the convenience store that Brown patronized in the moments before he was gunned down by then Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson, put Brown’s life ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I personally don’t keep up with urban celebrities let alone not even liking to writing about them at all because I personally don’t like to write about things that really don’t matter like celebrities, conspiracy theories, etc. The only reason why I am writing about Soulja Boy is because the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What if we told you that you could transform your avocation into a part- or full-time occupation? If your favorite hobby is piloting personal drone aircraft, the future is bright as can be. Now is the time to start aiming your ambitions toward building a brilliant career with remote-controlled drones ...