(ThyBlackMan.com) The other day, my neighborhood celebrated its 50th birthday. It’s a poverty-stricken, low-income, crime ridden community; yet, they believe that they’re entitled to celebrate their milestones just as well as other places.
The highpoint of the get-together is the annual fight when two druggies engage in a fierce argument about their respective addiction(s). One crack fiend is a shabbily clad, unshaven, urine-stench, soiled garment sporting brother fittingly named Dusty.
His nemesis is a well-spoken, well-dressed, diamond-studded jewelry wearing, spanking brand new sports car driving, Alligator/Lizard shoes stepping brother fittingly named Richie Rich.
One would have thought the two opposites would vehemently avoid each other at these events. However, I believe it was the potency of the crack–in which both seemed eternally addicted–that makes them hate each other so much.
“Hey, I see you’re still getting high,” Richie told Dusty, laughingly. “I remember you were a pretty boy in high school, laying pipe to all the girls. Nowadays, I hear the pipe is ALL in your mouth.
“Yeah, life must be busting your ass, too,” Dusty responded. “I heard you wanted to be a lawyer; but your dumb ass couldn’t pass the bar. So, now you’re outta town poisoning Black people, committing fratricide, coming back to the hood dressed like you’re Johnnie Cochran or somebody.”
“I ain’t selling crack,” Richie lied. “if I was all I had to do was stand in front of your door and wait for you to rob your mother, father, children and your friends. Well, by now, I guess you done robbed your family so much, that they ARE your enemies. You see, you friendless mutherfucka, crack is the only thing that you love.”
“Nig-gro, I know you ain’t talking. You gotta dress like that ‘cause your self esteem is shot. You might have these muthafuckas fooled; but I know better. The closest you’ve been to a lawyer is those thousands of dollars you keep paying those white men to keep your ass free. And, as far as you lying, telling Nig-gros that you passed the bar, you should’ve been truthful and tell Nig-gros that the only bar you passed is those steel bars you sit behind when nig-gros don’t see you for two or three years. Nig-gro, you only thirty years old and your hairline is at the back of your neck.”
And this argument would go on until the crowd would begin to disperse. The unfortunate reality is that, both, Richie and Dusty were correct. The crack had damaged both of their lives. The only true winners were those who brought the crack into the Black community and their American brethren who passed the crack law.
A word to the wise: President Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed to ramp up drug laws. Fool us once, shame on you…..Fool us twice?
Staff Writer; Saint Solomon
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