Janet Jackson Will She Ever Return to the Stage.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I am a HUGE Janet Jackson fan. She is the culmination of so many different parts of dynamic womanhood. She’s smart, conscious, sweet, demanding, and sexy not to mention her concerts are events of legend. When Janet Jackson announced, she was cancelling her tour to focus on building a family I must admit my reaction was catch 22.

On one hand, I was looking forward to seeing her perform the songs form her album “Unbreakable” (especially the single “Dammn Baby”), but at the same time if anyone deserved to have a family it was Janet Jackson. Many fans understood, and were supportive of her decision…we were just grateful for the music.

When it was announced Janet Jackson was pregnant so many fans were totally excited for her. Seriously regardless of what she has been through in her life she was married, glowing and expecting. Janet Jackson is such an inspiration for women that look to have children later in life after establishing a career. No matter how long Janet Jackson is away from music it’s very hard to imagine r&b/pop without her presence. However, that may be a new reality to face as a fan.

Motherhood is beautiful, and a blessing, but it can reorder one’s life and priority. Janet Jackson has had such a full successful career. Honestly, there is nothing for her to prove as her legacy ad an artist is cemented. Being a new mom, at her age, makes me wonder if she is retired now.

As a fan, it makes me sad to think I may never get a new Janet Jackson album, but as a mother I respect the fact that this chapter of her life may very well be dedicated to the life of her son and family. Of course if Janet Jackson ever returns to a stage is to be seen…but regardless of what she chooses she will always be a favorite in the heart of her.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy