Chris Brown, Karrueche Tran Files a Restraining Order Against RnB Star.

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( There are fans out there, and media outlets, that love to write that Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown should be together. Oh, one day they will get back together…WRONG. I will continue to say Chris Brown needs to move on. He’s wasting his time and talent allowing by allowing this degree of drama to run his life.

It would be a shame for Chris Brown to land in jail…which would mean time away from Royalty. Karrueche Tran is alleging that Chris Brown threatened her…threatened to kill her. It doesn’t help much that there is a video floating around whereby Chris Brown admits to basically being a stalker. Man, what are you doing?!

Chris Brow are you taking your meds? Maybe it’s time to seriously seek some help and commit to receiving the help because brother you are playing with your life. I’m not saying Karrueche Tran is a bad person nor am I saying her life is not important, but Chris Brown your obsession with this chick is not worth your life. Let her go! Chris Brown is not doing anything right now that is an asset to his self-interest. Maybe having “bloods” for a crew is not wise; consider having people around that care enough to tell you Chris Brown you tripping and mean it.

No one can question that not living a sober life can cause a lapse in good judgement. Chris Brown really needs to leave his ex, Karrueche Tran alone. Of course, this situation will have both Karrueche Tran, and Chris Brown in court regarding the circumstances leading to this restraining order.

At some point Chris Brown, must be tired of seeing the inside of a court room. He needs to get help, focus on his daughter and get back to his career while he still can. If Chris Brown doesn’t snap out of this maze rock bottom is inevitable, and that can cost a black man everything with no guarantee of recovery.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy

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