Own Your Childs’ Education.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Many parents are working hard long hours just to make ends meet. They are doing everything they can to give their children the best opportunities necessary to get ahead in life. Unfortunately, in the rat race of trying to make it many parents have left the education of their children solely in the hands of the school system. It is an understood fact that public schools were better, overall, 20 yrs ago than they are now. A lot of this has to do with state, and federal funding. Parents, our teachers make change compared to what they should be making for the job they do.

While you have your head down working your kids are not getting what they need in terms of a substantial education, and that is not something we can lay at the feet of teachers. Too many of our students are heading to college unprepared, or not at all. Yes, you have a lot on your plate as a parent, but you will have to add owning your child’s education to the list. Parents will need to be more hands on now than ever seeing that we have a completely unqualified Secretary of Education that does not really believe in empowering public education.

Granted the honest truth is we should have always been heavily involved in the education process of our kids. One of the greatest jobs as a parent is preparing ones’ children to be able to successfully compete in this world. It is very understood that education is important in achieving this goal. However, somewhere along the way parents began to trust schools more than they trusted themselves. At what point did parents feel it was okay to expect teachers to rear, and educate their children?

This is a very important question because the ball has definitely dropped, and children are paying the price of parental disregard, or ignorance, in the area of education. Some of us are not even sure our children make it to school every day. Granted, we can look at the state limiting the discipline we can wield, but we can’t use that as an excuse not to parent efficiently. We must fight for our children to have a viable future. It’s not enough for them to merely live to see 18 or 21; they must get to that place with a strong sense of purpose.

As a country we are facing a different kind of president that views the country as a company he owns. This is important to note because the new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, will have to work to implement HIS vision for education. The problem is both of these people have no experience whatsoever, and are not surrounding themselves with educators that can guide them to positive education policies. With this being said we must be more vigilant than ever in the fight for viable education. This fight must take place on all levels from Pre-K to College.

It can be argued that education is not a major priority in this county, but it MUST be a priority within our communities. We must pressure school boards, work with teachers and have a sound expectation for our children to succeed. Merely participating in education is not enough…we must excel. Education was one of the major fights our ancestors waged in this country, and it is important to remember our history as a people. As with other areas of life we cannot trust the government, establishment, with the future of our children.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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