(ThyBlackMan.com) You may not like Trump (and I don’t either). But you can thank him for exposing, unmasking and uncovering the racial hatred in this country towards African Americans. He did not put it there, but because of Trump, we African Americans can better identify who wears invisible Klan robes and what they are willing to do in 2017 going forward.
I am not a member of the Nation of Islam, but they said and knew a race war was coming. Mexicans, Muslims and African Americans are being attacked by racists Caucasians whose ancestors crawled out of caves in the Caucus mountains. So this article is dedicated to helping African Americans prepare for the worse while hoping for the best. I wish my assessment was wrong.
All of the African American Sheriffs, Police Chiefs and activists who are initiating gun buy backs need to stop. They are disarming the African American community while Caucasian people are buying every gun at gun shows they can get their hands on. And I should note that in Germany, one of the first things Hitler did towards the Jews was to have them register their guns then disarm them. On that note, if you have a legal firearm, keep it, become proficient with it and buy more if you can. Know the laws in your state regarding firearms and exercise your Second Amendment right just like they are doing.
Watch this video:
For those of you who think you are exempt from the race war, you are sadly mistaken. What you drive, where you work, where you live and how much money you make may shield some of you for a while. But know that they have signed you up for the war by the color of your skin. The poor African Americans are the first target so you can expect healthcare, mental healthcare, homeless assistance and entitlement programs to be amongst the first to fade into oblivion. That is why the Republicans want to eradicate the Affordable Care Act instead of fixing it. Even with its flaws, “ObamaCare” helps a lot of people who would otherwise be left out in the cold and the Republicans along with Trump don’t want those people to be helped.
You can expect the middle class attack to slide in based on our complacency. Too many of us think because we have good jobs, nice homes and college degrees that we are shielded from the war. Simply not true. Our 401(k)s, IRAs and bank accounts are only as good as our access to them. Simple changes in finance, banking, the Federal Reserve and the treasury can nullify lot of what we think we have. And a bad recession or depression can take away every stored financial asset you have in a bank, in your pension, in your social security and your “guaranteed” government benefits.
The war did not just start when Trump ran for president. It has actually been waged on African Americans since our ancestors were brought here. It has taken the form of slavery, indentured servitude, incarceration, judicial bias, police brutality, economic discrimination, free government entitlement programs, academic inequality, negative role models, sell outs and Cointel Pro spies infecting the African American community. And you have to wonder, with that said, why Martin Luther King Jr.’s kids have not taken his vision any further that they have.
But now the war is entering a new turn, a more overt, out of the closet and in your face stage of battle. Our people are being physically attacked in this country based on their political beliefs, the color of their skin or their religious beliefs. Key Trump appointees have no problem with this and Trump himself has repeatedly stoked the fire to the oven they would like to put us in. And don’t be fooled by his token negroes like Amerosa or Ben Carson. He does not respect them either but they serve a purpose for the moment because turncoats, traitors and sambos are seldom a threat.
Arguably slavery was based on the worst of capitalism more so than racism. As of January 20, 2017, capitalists have taken over the country starting with the President. Everything is about to be about dollars and cents to them including the price on your head. Need I remind you that slaves during the slave trade were used as collateral and assigned dollar values? And it’s ironic how many racists are related to people who brought our ancestors here, yet they want to tell us to “go back to Africa“. My answer to that is simple. Then Caucasian racists should go back to Europe and the caves of the Caucus mountains. And while they are at it, give the land they stole back to the Moors, Mexicans and Native Americans. Give African Americans monetary credit and recognition for all the inventions stolen from us or scammed away from us and all the money they made off the backs of our ancestors. Then finally don’t come to Africa for any more oil, diamonds or other precious jewels. We can then call it even but of course that will never happen.
I suggest every African American buy a copy of The Art of War and study it. As we rise up for our rights, those in power prepare every possible way at their disposal to oppress us, annihilate us (including abortion and weed) and pit us against each other. Is it any wonder why they do not stop the violence in Chicago? They know how to but they find it convenient to use Chicago as a model of our people being programmed to exterminate each other. If the model is successful, expect to see it play out in other major cities as well.
They are using technology against you. While you and your friends are telling all of your business on Facebook and Twitter, they are building a profile of your friends, your family, how you think, what you do and where you go. Don’t be so easy and stop sharing your personal business. Doing so makes you too easy to find and neutralize. Social media and the internet are not just entertainment created for our benefit. Do a little research and you will find out what I say is true.
Wake up! Stop leaving yourself exposed and vulnerable while Caucasian people stockpile weapons, food rations, survival gear and body armor. Too many of us are wide open all over the grid. Just as Sarah Connor said in Terminator, a storm is coming. The Jews did not see the storm until it was too late. Do you as an African American see the storm that is on the horizon?
With Donald Trump as President and the people he has put in place, you can forget help from the Justice Department when it comes to putting police departments in check, promoting accountability for police officers and protecting the civil rights of American Americans. It is a fact that hate crimes against African Americans, Muslims and Mexicans have already risen. Expect that to continue. Make no mistake about it, the war is both raging and growing. But nothing is hopeless if you are prepared. Remember many of the Jews died in the holocaust but it was not because they could not have gotten away. It was because they did not believe such an evil thing would ever happen until it was too late. What do you believe and what do you see with your own eyes? Pay attention and share this article with every African American you know. Be prepared.
Staff Writer;Â Trevo Craw
Hello I’m a 14 year old Caucasian and I believe in the ability to bear arms as I did support trump in 2016 and 2015. I don’t believe in killing blacks or muslims but when stuff like Trump closing the border is to protect our country incase of another 9/11 which we don’t need. Y’all live a hard life i understand but there hasn’t been a shooting in maybe 4 to 5 months now and all these protests are doing is hurting our country we have bigger threats when a REAL race war starts I will be there to help you guys.
Sebhai, there’s no “your reality” and “my reality,” there’s only reality. And I’ll always agree that every person should have the will and the ability to protect himself and those he’s responsible for. But the most important thing is that you look at the world as it is, not as people with some agenda to push keep telling you it is. There are enough things in the world that need your (and everyone’s) attention right now that it’s a bad idea to waste your attention on things that either don’t exist at all or are so remote a possibility as to be nearly non-existent.
That’s because our reality is not your reality.Nobody is saying all white people wanting to shoot all black people.But then again that doesn’t mean we can’t take precautions against them.Just as you want to take precautions against muslims.Then we also have the right to take precautions against certain group.If nobody bothers then we won’t bother them.
You’re just making people paranoid.
Marque, I have. If you’re seeing an ongoing race war in this country, you’re just not looking at reality.
To Douglas,
Open your eyes and look
Good Morning!
I’m a Caucasian that has read this article and I’ve thinking this very thing for several years now! I totally agree with most of what you are saying! In spite of the fact that I’m for gun control I’ve been hesitant about it for a while because I fear giving up my right to bear a weapon for defense! I do not own nor do I plan to buy a weapon but I agree with you there! I have a few of the same concerns because I’m a lesbian BUT I would NEVER fell or even suggest that I carry the same burdens as those of color! Don’t for a second that I do! My life is filled with people of different ethnicities with many different colors! The vast majority of my company is black brown or Cuban… all groups who are feeling ESPECIALLY persecuted in the last 16 months or so! I Also believe that we really shouldn’t have laid claim to a land filled with mesoamericans and all the native tribes! But here I am because of what my ancestors did…. the constitution means to me that ALL men and WOMEN are created equal and I will defend what I believe to be fair and true! At the moment all I can do is become well informed and I don’t mean FAKE news or propaganda either. If I don’t recognize the source or if it’s a website, I try to research people whose names are associated with it. I also make sure that I have news sources from around the globe AND I am trying to educate myself in how the government ACTUALLY works AND research my local representatives ALL the way up the chain. I try to make sure I have at least some understanding of governmental policies and how they effect people…this is something that I truly hope all people of color can try to do! Before reading the Art Of War it would behoove anyone to get an idea how and where the fight is going! The fight for black and brown Americans started a couple hundred years ago I know. But for the modern day fight violence isn’t the only weapon… Start by figuring out who to target and what is their weakness! Start with a softer more precise way of cutting those down that seek to harm people of color (That said I live in Florida and there are those stupid, ignorant outright racists that don’t know their head from a hole in the ground) and bring more attention to them! Organize and you don’t have to include long standing organizations that may not believe the same as you… but organize and create networks of people and make a plan to work from within the “establishment” that’ll get’em where it hurts… their money and their power. In your particular situation I would start with how the recent years of computerized gerrymandering and work quietly from within to fight that. I doubt that any form of simple outright violence will overcome the long fight… again I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t arm yourself but I would like to see a truly EFFECTIVE uprising… I would stand with and fight for the same rights with any group like that… and would be PROUD to do so… Also take some time to REALLY research past movements one of them being the Black Panther movement and let that be just ONE of MANY parts to a revolution. The reason I fear that outright violence may not work is that if provoked enough the armed forces of the local, state, and federal governments could be called to become more militarized and more dangerous. I see the overwhelming passion for TRUE change and hope that can be harnessed to create a better. life. LiI spend time trying to talk to people with different beliefs to try to gain insight and perhaps give them something to think about. I plan on doing one of two things: arm myself and get ready to fight against the same people as you or move to Spain next year… I sincerely hope that my comments do not offend or
hurt anyone!
As a woman I have come to group men into basically 2 groups, what I call the “good men”. Those who see women as equal and treat them as such, as well as standing up for their rights when needed. Then there is the other group that has used belief systems and force to submit females even in their own homes and minds through oppressive belief systems.
There is no doubt that women are systematically oppressed worldwide. But to put that against a whole group of people without regard for the differences of beliefs among them is both wrong and detrimental to a cause.
I am a white woman, no I would never vote for a racist mysogynist (I am mortified that 55% of white women have so little respect for themselves and the rights of women that they would vote Trump or Pence). I have always treated people of color with equality and respect because it is not only right but also how I was raised. I have even found proof of my ancestors fighting against slavery in the US, even from England through journalism.
There is not a race war. Perhaps a hate war, but these people are not just against blacks, but anyone who sees equal treatment of others as an infringing on their personal rights somehow. I am personally ashamed of the white supremisist who are coming out publicly. How ridiculous that they are calling for recognition for white pride but only showing white shame. White people should be proud when they lift up another race, not when they oppress it. I cringe and want to rip down the “confederate flag” that has been increasing showing up. I asked the landlord next door to stop hiring a worker with a huge flag on her truck, because the flag was stressful to my family and disrespectful to our neighbors of color, he did stop? (It is important to note that this confederate flag was created in 1961 as a protest to integration, not during the civil war, so flying it either shows your uneducated or racist, no southern pride.)
I beleive time has shown that oppressed people do better escaping oppression when there is support within the dominant culture. I am raising boys who beleive in equality and will fight for it for others. This weekend my boys, and my husband will be marching for women’s rights. My boys will proudly be wearing their Black Lives Matter shirts.
I was raised where sex and race were less issues, I wish all could experience it. My first sense of racism was when I was told on the school bus, “you are nice for a white girl”. It took me a long time to understand what they meant, their race didn’t come to mind when I saw them.
Please, people of color, keep posting videos of abuse and oppression because what whites can’t see and don’t know about, they can’t stand up against. There are good whites just like good men, and -fortunately there are many of them. The electoral college did not properly represent the American people. I agree that there are crazy white people stocking up on guns and the NRA has become extremist in its views, but I also hold Martin Luther King close to my heart and try to maintain peace and a I beleive.
I’m sorry, but this whole “race war” rhetoric is just not true. Do you really think all the white people in the country want to shoot all black people? That’s just crazy. I can tell you absolutely that the vast majority of white people don’t think about race at all. It just isn’t a factor in daily life and daily decision-making. Pretending otherwise is only good for raising your own blood pressure. There are certainly problems in the US today, but an ongoing race war is definitely not one of them.