(ThyBlackMan.com) I noticed over this past year that a lot of people within the conscious community get into petty arguments over things that aren’t important, talking down on celebrities who don’t speak out on black issues, colorism, sexism, and it deeply bothers me. Intro: Here are my personal issues that I ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Tensions are high. Tension between political parties. Tension between races. Tension between religions. Tension between those in authority and the people. Tension between our presidential nominees: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Tension between red states and blue states. In fact tension seems to be everywhere in the world today! For ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Recent polls find a majority of Americans believe that “race relations,” since the election of the first black president, have gotten worse, not better. Colin Kaepernick, a National Football League quarterback, is Exhibit A for why so many people feel this way. Colin Kaepernick signed a $114 million six-year contract ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As a country we have been constantly facing issues of excessive use of force by the police. Let me just state that, yes, there are police officers that do their job with character and integrity. There are officers that care about people regardless of race, gender or class. We appreciate ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) If you want to guarantee a healthy living environment to your family, then having a clean home is the first step towards fulfilling that promise. When you search on the internet, you can come across a number of professional cleaning companies that adapt to modern and up to date home ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Three years ago, when a reluctant President Barack Obama was about to launch an attack on Syria, supposedly in retaliation for President Bashar al-Assad crossing a “red line” against using chemical weapons, Obama smelled a rat – or rather he sensed a mousetrap. Advised by some of his intelligence advisers ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This election season has been one big circus. Many people are completely disenchanted as it is hard to truly get behind either candidate. The rules of engagement in politics have been broken. Some may feel it’s a good thing, but the hatred that has shown itself is blatant. Many of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Before you laugh at the title of this article, know that an adult can live decently on minimum wage. It will take 3 things to accomplish this. The first is discipline which many people do not have or do not want to have. The second requires you to monitor your ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Each school year is an opportunity for children of color and culture to learn new skills and abilities to grow. Children of color and culture cannot run away from STEAM, STEM, and STREAM, if parents do not involve their children in learning and hands on opportunities to be involved in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black Superheroes have been around for centuries, from the stories presented from the archives of Stetson Kennedy, author, poet, and community activist to the works of Tangela Floyd who through the theatrical portrayals in the “Reader Theater” performances “The Black Superheroes” and now the creation of movies and comic books, ...
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