What I Learned from TEDxFSCJ Engage 2016.

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Future TEDxFSCJ Salon Speaker and Presenter.

Member of Northbound Church of Christ Jacksonville, Florida

Sharing our experiences from attending in the TEDxFSCJ event.

A. Everyone has a story that is equal in its importance and significance.

B. Everyone is faced with a challenge that challenge does not have to define us or determine our destinies.

C. Diversity empowers and strengthens our collective community.

D. There is a lack of personal communication between people that is wide scale and potentially divisive for our community.

E. We must look beyond our color and build relationships that55 strengthen and unite our community not divide us.

F. We must learn not to judge a person because of their religious believes or allow others to encourage attacks on those that worship in a different way.

G. A woman’s’ voice is just as valuable as a man’s’ and her challenges are just as real.

H. Our youth, teens and young adult’s views are just as important as our elders.

I. We cannot / should not judge a person, family or community by their zip code, area code or children by their lunch status.

J. We must never allow those that speak racism, sexism, war, strife, and separation be in leadership and allow separationist thinking.

K. Political views should not divide us, they should encourage discussion and respect.

L. We must listen to our elders for wisdom and guidance and apply their teachings.

M. Networking is a continuous process of sharing, caring and respecting others.

N. We must always strive to learn every day. Education is valuable in our global economy and society.

O. Colleges and universities must be used to unite and collaborate learning for all communities.

P. Politics should never be allowed to divide people, is should be used as a medium for different opinions and ideas to come together for dialogue and discussion to find solutions.

Q. Women should have equal political power as men, people of color should not be marginalized for political gain and used as electoral fodder.

R. Children and the elderly should be the priority in building a city To accommodate the youth, teens and young adults with mentors, role models and opportunities to learn outside of classrooms.

S. The elderly should be accommodated and respected by sharing their knowledge and talents with the youth who have similar career and life aspirations.

T. Those that are disabled should be allowed to share their knowledge to adapt a community to accommodate the levels and challenges of the disabled.

U. Before a technology is applied the benefits should outweigh the challenges for a progressive society.

V. The educational systems in public and higher education should look like the student body as much as possible with teachers and staff.

W. The prison system should be filled with educational materials, vocational opportunities and career sessions just like schools to keep people from returning.

X. Higher education should include vocational and career development centers that help students succeed and continue to grow.

Y. The community must reach out to those that have disabilities and not see their disability, look at their potential for contribution to society.

Z. Understand that everyone in a society has a place, is part of a collective family and has value.

Nuggets of Knowledge from TEDxFSCJ gained from William Jackson and Elisha Taylor.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson & Elisha Taylor

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.

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