(ThyBlackMan.com) “When old people speak it is not because of the sweetness of words in our mouths; it is because we see something which you do not see.” Chinua Achebe
1. Write as if all of Africa is going to read your content.
*When people read your content they should see, feel and hear the passion for what your blogging about.
2. When creating content take the time to read, review, rewrite, revise, what you have written.
*sometimes you have to come back to what you started to see a new direction or a new level of engagement.
3. Don’t rely on anyone that tells you your blogs are “great” all the time.
*there is always room for improvement in the writings you do.
*have a critical eye and humility about your content.
*some of your content will be great some of it will just be ok.
4. Don’t try to be famous, share your life and ideas with Africa.
*Look at writers like Achebe, Addiche, Soyinka and others for guidance.
5. Embrace the diversity of Africa.
*your blogs should be able to reach out to diverse audiences.
*sometimes you are specific about who or whom you’re writing to.
6. Don’t always write about sunshine and happiness.
*test your writing and challenge your abilities.
*challenge the changes and challenges of African culture.
7. Build your writing by reading what other writers have written.
*see if your experiences are like others.
*Chinua Achebe and others were able to blend stories and move feelings.
8. When writing, write as if telling a story to a friend or family member.
*relationship building is important, building a relationships brings connectivity and trust.
9. Read other writers that you respect and admire.
*create your own blogging journey.
*be authentic
10. Storytelling paints a picture, so use words that encourage the
imagination and creativity.
11. Use music to inspire and excite.
*different music moves emotions differently, experiment with beats.
12. When writing determine if there are challenges and conflicts that
need to be overcome and shared.
*what challenges your intellect and imagination?
13. Don’t be afraid to submit your blogs to multiple sites.
*take the chance to send your writings to as many sites as possible to be published.
14. Keep your passion and excitement about your writing.
*your passion and writing is an extension of who you are.
15. Write different kinds of stories.
*there are millions of stories just as there are millions of Africans
16. Read, Read, Read and Read some more, fall in love with reading.
*develop your comprehension for understanding and applying.
17. Your writing is an important part of who you are.
*the more you write the more you grow.
18. African bloggers must continue to grow with technology.
*you may start off in a traditional blog, learn to incorporate
Microblogging, Podcasting, Vblogging and other technologies
19. Volunteer in your African community if it is safe to do so.
*help others and see the beauty in people of diversity.
*never judge those that have less or even more than you do.
20. Blogging is a life-long journey and should be a life-long adventure.
*when people read your works they should be able to see your
*be a part of something bigger than you.
21. Take time to meditate and listen to the African ancestors.
*what stories are they telling you to write.
22. Look into the eyes of children, the elders to seek the spirit
of Africa.
*use your writings to experience life experiences.
23. Write something every day….
24. Use YouTube to listen to past discussions by Achebe and others.
25. Create your own YouTube channel or Vimeo to record your
writings and share your stories through video.
Staff Writer; William D. Jackson
Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.
Wow! Great and inspiring.
No. 3 swept me off my feet. I have so many friends like that, they will not like to get you angry, so they will tell you that your blog is amazing, where as, there are so many obvious changes and edits you need to make.