10 Reasons Why Black Men Date White Women and 10 Reasons Why They Shouldn’t.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) There is that saying “once you go black you don’t go back” and you can bet rolls off the tongues of white chicks far and near. The pull of the so-called “forbidden fruit” is too strong for some not to try at least once. Do black men date white women out of rebellion? This is their way of “sticking it to the (white) man” and showing him that they won’t conform to their oppressive expectations and ideals. Over time it seems like a trendy thing to do is to rebel against “society’s norms.”

Once upon a time black boys and men were killed for even looking at a white woman. The last decade, however, has seen this trend gain momentum as the number of white females with colored hair, tattoos, and body piercing are increasing by the day. It appears that once a black male gains a certain level of status they go to the white women. Well whatever the reason Ice T created a list (who is a black man with status who is married to a white woman) of ten reasons why black men should date white women.

10. White girls can get their hair wet.

9. White girls don’t talk back.blackandwhitewomancouple-2016

8. White girls names are easier to pronounce.

7. White girls have WAY less restrictions in the bedroom than other races

6. White girls aren’t looking to be in a rap video

5. White girls have no problem spoiling their men with gifts.

4. White girls don’t give you as many headaches as other races.

3. White girls cater to and love to take care of their men.

2. White girls know how to please their man.

1. White girls are just more FUN.

And here are ten reasons why you shouldn’t be dating a white woman.

1. White women cannot identify with the struggle of being a black male in America.

2. White women typically do not come from families that readily accept people of color.

3. In a divorce, white women will take everything you have (including your children).

4. White women treat their dogs better than they treat other human beings.

5. No matter how gentle you may seem, white women will always be afraid of black men.

6. When it comes to parenting, white women aren’t disciplinarians, they’re pushovers.

7. White women will dime you out to the police if they think you’re guilty of a crime.

8. White women don’t age well.

9. White women aren’t tough enough to endure the ups and downs of being with a black man.

10. Why date a white girl when you can be with a sister who looks like Nicki Minaj?

So what’s the take away from these lists? Are black men sellouts for dating white women? They can be viewed as such. What is this phenomenon called the “OJ Effect”? Or is it systemic that black men feel the need to be comforted and taken care of by a white woman? Can a black man blindly fall in love with a white woman? Or is this a form of self-hate?

Staff Writer; Amber Ogden

One may also view more of her work over at; AmberOgden.com.

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