Back to School or Back to the Future?

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(ThyBlackMan.comThis fall, millions of kids will return to school to resume their academic careers. Will they go back to school or back to the future? Will they lug backpacks of greatness or bags of low self-esteem? Will we only urge them to get good grades or push them to pursue their greatest ideal by seeing themselves in a global economy?

Going back to school is back to business as usual. Back to the future, though, is a mind-set.

What will walk through the doors of every school of America this school year is one of two types: gravediggers or go-getters. If we are going to develop go-getters, let’s share with our youth these three very important back to the future success mindsets.

Success Mind-Set#One

Your Default Setting is Success

What is success? Success means many things to many people, but one of the best definitions I’ve heard is from Earl Nightingale: Success is the progressive realization of a worthy idCollege student studying in a libraryeal. That simple. It’s an ideal and it’s progressively pursued. Emphasis on ‘progressive’; not much is attained via instant gratification. It’s what a person is willing to work for and wait for that determines success; it’s what a person is willing to lose in order to win, the struggle a person is willing to endure until the goal has been achieved.

When you purchase a laptop or desktop computer, aside from additional amenities, everything you need for that computer to perform to its optimal capacity is included in the design. The settings are uniquely embedded into the computer. So it is with you: everything you need to be successful, you are already in possession of. You are wired for success.

Success Mind-Set#Two

Be too BIG for Excuses

The key to your success is to rid yourself of excuses for failing. Determine today to think so BIG of yourself – your value, your dreams, and your goals – that nothing can suffice to keep you from attaining them. He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else, writes Shakespeare. Dictate success on your terms, not on those of others. Most people fail allow failure to become the reason they give up. Don’t let that be you! Regurgitate failure and use it for lessons learned. One thing for certain, your competition is not keeping a tally of excuses; he or she is using every available moment to recalibrate their greatest failures into their most gainful victories. Join that club!

Success Mind-Set#Three

Upgrade Your Self-Worth

Too often our youth begin their journey to excellence with a downgrade: bad parenting, negative peer pressure and other forces have conspired to suffocate their self-worth, leaving them with an inferiority complex. Don’t let that become your epithet. You are much more valuable than you can imagine. There is enough greatness in you to change the world! You have enough power to light up a city. Upgrade your self-value. Do not dig your grave by downgrading your greatness.

An upgrade begins with one factor: how you see yourself. Resist the urge to measure yourself through the lens of others; embrace your own identity. Develop your own style while respecting the right of others to be who they are. Embrace your uniqueness.

In the words of Wayne Dyer: Self-worth comes from one thing: thinking that you are worthy.

Going back to school is back to business as usual. Back to the future is a mind-set.

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –