Police Brutality: Why It’s Not Stopping.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) First let me say police brutality, specifically against African Americans, can be stopped. There are many lawful solutions in the areas of prevention, intervention and curative solutions that you are already empowered to do. Unlike the approach used by Black Lives Matter, these strategies and methods get results without confrontation, without placing you at unnecessary risk and without having you play right into the hands of those who want to oppress and annihilate you in the first place.

The Metro Atlanta Crime Commission (not a law firm) is focused on ending police brutality nationwide through our Police Encounters 101 Training Program which teaches private citizens your rights and the laws that you need to know (prevention), how to handle an encounter (intervention) and what to do lawfully to get results if you are a victim (curative solutions). WE ARE NOT POPULAR because we use an  aggressive approach that saves lives, looks at all sides and exposes all parts of the problem. We make no apologies for it. Those murderous police officers who are killing our people are aggressive so we must be lawfully and strategically aggressive in our approach to end police brutality, especially when some of you are so brainwashed that you are even working against this effort. If that offends you, being shoot and killed by a murderous police officer should offend you more. And if you think we are too aggressive, maybe you are simply too passive while lives are at stake.

The Metro Atlanta Crime Commission has the most extensive program to end police brutality anywhere and in the coming articles2016-PoliceBrutality written by this author, I will share that information – solutions that most of you have no idea of. Solutions that you will not hear from law enforcement nor attorneys. But if you are more interested in watching the game, going to an emasculated Tyler Perry play or being entertained while you are being exterminated, you are asleep and you need to wake up! Yet with programs, seminars workshops and resource materials like ours, why isn’t police brutality stopping? Let me tell you why.

One of the strongest mechanisms to keep slave programming in place is a defense mechanism which causes the slave-minded person to attack anyone who brings the truth that shines in the darkness and challenges the slave to both look in the mirror and stand in the light. WAKE UP!

First I want to address why the African American community cannot seem to stop police brutality. Then I will move to the general reasons why it is not stopping and who is allowing or keeping it in place. The African American community is not currently able to end police brutality because our community is divided – divided on the scope of the problem, unaware of the depth of the problem, in denial about what some of us are contributing to the problem, divided on the approach to the problem, indifferent or ambivalent in many cases and neutralized in others. Ego is also playing far too much of a role amongst several groups or individuals who have no real solutions and/or use these tragedies to make a name for themselves. So let’s tackle these one by one a little more in depth.

Email us at atlantacrimecommission@yahoo.com to get involved or for more information, If you get involved, you are part of the solution. Otherwise you are part of the problem. If you will not help, get out of the way. There are always a few that carry the many.

Black Lives Matter, for example, has a bad approach which only places themselves in harm’s way, causes it’s members to get arrested and end up on the FBI watchlist. They do not know how to fight the war being waged against us, so they use confrontation, expose their numbers and play right into the hands of oppressors hoping BLM would do just that. BLM represents anger without strategy, anger without wisdom and anger without credibility. That pushes other people and ethnic groups away from thee cause, not towards it. If you try to explain that to BLM, they get angry at the messenger and misperceive that fighting a different and better way is backing down.

Next there are many African Americans who are ambivalent or indifferent, many of whom are police officers. They still see the police as the good guys and many police officers are the good guys. But too many African Americans have an unbalanced and unrealistic view of what police departments have become. Too many African Americans believe they will not be victims of police brutality because of what they drive, where they live, what they do for a living or even the fact that they do not break the law. They fail to realize that mentally unstable, poorly trained or racist police officers place ALL of us at risk – and there are a great many of them out there.

Maybe you have not had bad experiences with the police (I have not either), but that does not change the fact that African Americans are being targeted and it could happen to you so wake up. You would be shocked to know how many African American police officers themselves have been victims of police brutality. Thus to all African American police officer I say, be careful whose guard dog you become. Your owner may use you yet have no respect for you because you are quick to turn on your own kind.

Police brutality is far worse than you know.                                                                                                         

Go to www.killedbypolice.net or www.policemisconduct.net and see for yourself.

The third group of African American who are part of keeping police brutality in place is those ego-based opportunists who offer pseudo-solutions. They have no specialized training. They have no insider knowledge. They have not done any significant research. Yet they have talk shows, microphones, meetings and the ear of the public. They bring the police in, as if they expect the police to offer real solutions. They bring in attorneys who either do not have real solutions or will not tell you if they did. These groups promote their approach and refuse to acknowledge or look at all sides of this issue and methods such as ours that work to solve the problem. Why? Because they did not come up with these methods and they cannot find a way to profit from them. These are your Al Sharptons (helping to disarm our community), your Rashad Richeys, your Derrick Boazmans, your Dr. Keith Slaughters, your Bev Smiths etc. I have   to wonder how many of them are implanted Cointel Pro.

The fourth group of African Americans keeping police brutality alive are those who have decided they are criminals, thugs and gangbangers or the family members who protect, hide and accept them. It is a fact that over 85% of “white” crime is committed by them against them. You never hear that in the news. But it is also a fact that over 90% of crime against African Americans is done by African Americans. Chicago is a perfect example and far too many African Americans are devaluing African American life, so why should we expect police officers to do anything different? If “black lives matter” so much, it sure does not appear that way based on the rate at which we are killing each other.

Denial of your role in committing a crime, supporting criminals or breaking the law is an open door endorsement for this society to keep justifying police brutality.

Thug life, emasculation and trashy, ignorant  images of our men and women are glorified, promoted and accepted in rap and hip hop everywhere you turn. From Tyler Perry in a dress to no class Nikki Minaj, Kanye and others, our own people are contributing to how we are perceived by the world around us. Our people are seeing ourselves just as the police see us and that makes things worse. African Americans need to stop participating in our own annihilation.

In order to end police brutality, a clear signal of every possible lawful, civil and criminal consequence must resonate in every court, police station and prosecutor’s office in this nation.

In general, here are the reasons police brutality is going strong. Judges, juries, grand juries and prosecutors will not step up to aggressively indict, prosecute and convict bad, guilty, murderous and unstable police officers. A big part of that is racism, eugenics, profit motivated and plans for mass incarceration. But another part of that is because politicians and the courts know if they prosecute officers as they should, the result will be a decrease in almost all police officers stepping up to do their jobs. This lack of performance and lack of motivation will leave the public as a whole unprotected and the powers that be have not figured out how to resolve that problem. How do you prosecute the bad officers (when there are so many) without de-motivating the good officers? Let me make it clear that is a poor excuse and bad, murderous or abusive officers should go to jail and face the full penalty of law.

Another reason police brutality continues to happen is the “Blue Code”, police officers protecting other officers instead of keeping their oath and obeying the law. Because of this code, we have identified ways you can sue the actual police officer and lawfully penetrate his shield of “good faith immunity”. Don’t expect to hear that from most attorneys because they would rather have you sue the city or the police department because “deep pockets” mean more money for the attorney. But if you sue the city, city attorneys can tie it up in court forever and police departments as well as cities have insurance for when they are sued. However, if you sue the officer, win the case, then collect by taking his/her house, car etc, that makes a direct impact – AND IT CAN BE DONE.

Together we can end police brutality but you guys are going to have to focus on real solutions and let those of us who have them enlighten you. Contact us at atlantacrimecommission@yahoo.com or visit us on Facebook at Police Encounters. Join us, don’t compete with us or try to capitalize on the suffering of African Americans in order to make a name for yourself. Our resource materials and training seminars (provided under the First Amendment)  tell you how to lawfully end police brutality and get results in ways you never thought of, ways that your attorney will never mention, ways that Black Lives Matter is not aware of or too angry to embrace. ANYBODY can be a victim of police brutality. You have to think preventive, not curative where you wait until something happens.

I have just given you a sample of what we do and a taste of what can be done. You can be  more empowered than you realize and nobody seems to be telling citizens this. You don’t have to simply count on an attorney. Though there are good attorneys out there, realize that all attorneys are officers of the court just like the judge, members of the BAR just like the judge and in the same club as the District Attorneys. You are not in that club. It’s time you knew what they don’t want you to know. We need your help and you need our information. Contact us at the email above today.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony