(ThyBlackMan.com) Last week rapper Snoop Dogg put up an epic video rant on his Instagram. In the verbiage that only Snoop can conjugate, he said in no uncertain terms that people should not watch the 21st century remake of the epic TV miniseries Roots that aired on The History Channel ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Rich or poor, the only thing you have in this world is your name, and when you die the only thing that counts is what the world thought of you, so nothing is more important than your name. People must RESPECK your name or you’ll ”starve to death”. You ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Dictionary defines warriors as “a person who fights in battle and is known for having courage and skill.” In Roots, reimagined Kizzy Kinte tells her dad “Reading is my way of being a warrior, my way of feeling free inside.” Teaching enslaved people to read and write was illegal ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Many of us don’t realize it but the Black Man is fighting a war on several different fronts. The Black Man is fighting a war against injustice, discrimination, and racism (what else is new). He’s fighting a war against law enforcement and the justice system. The Black Man is ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Since his shooting at the Cincinnati Zoo on May 28, the death of Harambe, a seventeen-year-old male, western lowland silverback gorilla, has created a firestorm of controversy in contemporary “culture wars.” There has been considerable second-guessing and “Monday morning quarterbacking” concerning the decision to shoot theanimal and, even worse, there ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I have made a post on social media that is very true: Saturdays & Sundays are the worst days for The Black Community in America. Everywhere in the black community that you go to or every corner you turn to, there is always some church being there in The ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Mini steppers are known to provide really good cardio exercise which in turn provides a numerous number of benefits. Weight loss is one of the main benefits of mini steppers. When comparing to the large steppers, they are not as great as the large ones. However, it does have ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When I heard online that former heavyweight boxing champ Muhammad Ali had passed away last night, I was very devastated. Muhammad Ali was not only a great athlete in the ring, but he was a great and proud unapologetic black man outside the ring. Muhammad Ali will always be ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Quoting the Pointer Sisters song, “I’m so excited!” Black pop icon Snoop Dogg’s comments about the remake of the “Roots” TV series, in essence, is what I have been preaching to fellow blacks for decades (without his profanity). Snoop said, “I’m sick of this s—. They are going to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Christopher Everett’s new independent film “Wilmington on Fire” is a stunning movie about the racist massacre that took place in Wilmington, North Carolina when a mob of whites burned down Black businesses in downtown Wilmington and either killed or exiled its Black citizens, threatening death to some of the ...
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