(ThyBlackMan.com) (This Feat Has Never Been Achieved Hitherto) In order to appreciate the information contained herein, one must understand “the fiscal year” , which refers to any yearly period without regard to the calendar year, at the end of which a firm, government, etc., determines its financial condition. That period ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) America has been a melting pot of cultures, creeds, religions, and ethnicities since it was first discovered. African American communities have always been significant under-represented in powerful positions, however, having been oppressed for hundreds of years. This is why celebrating African American leadership is warranted. Let’s consider Charles Phillips, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Our country is convulsing over issues of diversity and race. Police departments from Baltimore to Minneapolis are talking about diversity hiring as the antidote to anti-Black police brutality. Last year, Hollywood scrambled to find diverse Academy Award presenters after realizing its nominees were mainly white. (Again!) Today, a deeply ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is Hillary’s best bet for VP. Why? Despite the relentless lampooning, ridiculing, and name-calling of Trump, and the smug writing of his political obituary, the election will be a close run up. The big GOP donors and handlers, the hate driven passion to beat Hillary, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) These liberal and conservative pol-lie-ticians only “care” about us when it’s time to go out and vote. To me, choosing between democrips and rebloodicans is like choosing to eat either rotten eggs or dog shit for dinner and those two parties are NOT good options to choose from. Our ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Spread betting may not be the most familiar investment term in your vocabulary, but it’s an investment form that’s finding increased popularity all around the world. If you don’t know what it is, don’t worry. You’re in good company. Right now, more than half of Americans never invest in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Even though I don’t watch award shows, but last night at The 2016 BET Awards, Beyonce and Kendrick rocked the crowd with their opening performance, but it was Jessie Williams that really stole the show with his speech about the systemic racism that we face daily in The Belly ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “I joined [the GOP] because I was a conservative, and I leave it for the same reason: I’m a conservative,” George Will said on Fox News Sunday. Will joins many Republicans, myself included, who refuse to vote for Donald Trump under any circumstances. His exit from the Republican Party, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For The Sake Of America – If She Refuses, The People Should Force Her Out. Corruption Is Catching Up to the Clintons and Their Associates . Hillary Clinton is a walking assault on good government, justice, and democracy. EVERYTHING in which Hillary has ever been intimately involve in her ENTIRE career has ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There are seven feasts, or appointed times, that God gave Israel to keep. Six of the feasts we know several days ahead of time when the feast day is going to occur. However, the only one that occurs “on a day that no man knows”, is the Day of ...
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