(ThyBlackMan.com) The elevation of Africans having access to the Internet is increasing the digital footprint of those denied access to information for years. Internet access supplied by providers is allowing people in cities, villages and towns unprecedented access to information.
Africans are embracing their Afrinerdiness (African Nerds) that encourages global collaboration, cross cultural connections, access to entertainment media, and educational resources never seen before. There is so much digital eye candy that African teens and young adults need to be cautious of the glitz and glamour of global content. As Africans grow in engagement, their words will have new meaning in the global context of their digital content that will expand. The perceptions they create will define them, the digital ether can quickly and unmercifully absorb the attentions of Africans and present a unfathomable world of cultural.
Googling will have a new meaning for Africans, their created content is fresh, unfiltered by world exposure and lack of Internet etiquette and guidelines in some cases. African children are in many ways no different than European, Asian or American, many want their content to go viral, with the potential of making them instant superstars and celebrities.
African parents like others from around the world must be very cautious of their children’s access to online content because it can literally be addicting and life changing. Unfiltered access to the Internet in some cases may be a Pandora box because African children like those of other nations may not inappropriate content being created and read or viewed.
For African parents to keep up with their children they should Hashtag and Google their children regularly. To digitally follow them, not stalk but check to make sure they are not being lead or drawn into dangerous digital territories. African parents must be educated on setting boundaries for their families in the absence of local, national and continental laws safeguarding children from predators, stalkers, scammers and even terrorists. As a professor teaching Educational Technology and Social Media safety in higher education, youth, teens and even young adults do not understand the dangers of posting to much information online about themselves, their families and even their ideologies related to religion, sex and education.
There are still parts of Africa that are not and may not embrace the ideas of freedom of speech, and open society to information and even the freedom of girls and women accessing educational resources.
Educational institutions across Africa are going to have to develop policies and procedures to make sure all students no matter their religious background, cultural upbringing, economic status, political status and even mobility will have to have equitable access and support.
As a parent of two I demand equal educational resources for my daughter like my son. My daughters’ value is just as important as my son from elementary to university levels.
As an educator I have equal expectations of success for my male and females students. My educational diversity is that I teach on the elementary and college levels and see all sides of educational success and the results of educational failure by lack of involvement by parents.
The development of policies, procedures and practices cannot be made by one entity, it must be inclusive of Internet Service Providers, educational institutions, department of government and even involve African parental groups because they are the grassroots of addressing issues and concerns. There must be further opportunities to teach parents about the online world so they can monitor their children through Googling and Hashtags.
Many in government and business are of the opinion that it is too early to address these issues, I say there is not a level too early to empower parents to teach their kids and to be cautious and aware of their safety.
Just as in the United States, I travel to teach parents about Social Media Safety, Etiquette, prevention of cyberbullying, cyberstalking, Sexting and other online activities are creating social issues that have direct influence in the social and educational order for families.
For too long Europeans have tried to determine what is best for African people without asking them, Internet access creates a platform where education is for everyone – equally. The power of Google searches, Hashtags, Branding, Marketing, collaboration and even association has a powerful place in global communities. African parents learn to Google their children, and Hashtag them. Suggestions for African Parents When Monitoring Their Children Online.
1. African parents monitor your child’s online activities constantly and explain behavior expectations for their actions. Parents should be aware of where their children are going online.
a. Children’s psychological safety is just as important as their physical safety.
b. Have conversations about their favorite sites, who their online friends are, what social media platforms they are using.
c. Are your children using video to share information, are they using Google maps to tell their friends where they live? These are questions African parents need the answers too.
d. Talk to educators and other parents about sharing educational, and edutainment resources.
2. African parents, “Know safety, No injury. No safety, Know injury.” African parents should be involved in determining how much tech is being used by their children in their homes, in the community and in the schools.
3. African parents your child build a positive relationship and respect for their online activities. This respect decreases bullying, cyberbullying, cyberstalking and sexting.
4. African parents must model good online behaviors. If your child sees you acting certain ways they will do the same. Your children are also influenced by peer pressure and modeling for behavior by you. The Internet can be a fun place, but there are dangers.
5. African parents set a time limit for being online by your children, more emphasis on reading and other activities that challenge thinking, reasoning and higher order thinking. African youth have great potential to influence the future of their nation and continent.
6. African parents don’t be naive, consider the source when your child is trying to be deceptive to what they are doing.
7. African parents teach your children to know how advertisers work. Not to click ads that say free games, candy, toys, etc.
8. African parents ask your children to teach you something new online. Parents test their intelligence and intellect with technology.
9. African parents Google your children, Hashtag your children, in Google, Twitter, Facebook YouTube and other sites First Name Last Name + City, State, Community and you can search for their friends also to check activity.
10. African parents teach your children not to put personal information online. Identity theft is a major problem in this digital age and terrorists are working hard to involve youth, teens and young adults to be used as weapons and propaganda tools.
11. African parents check parental controls in your browser and learn how to check your browsers history to see where the kids and teens have gone online.
12. African parents, if your children play online games monitor the language and conversations. You can’t control others and their actions and language, but you should be able to control your child to a certain degree and talk to them about behaviors of others.
13. Each Social Media site has an age restriction. African parents talked to your children about Facebook, SnapChat and Vine, whatever your children are involved in.
14. African parents be friends with your kids until they are 16 at least. Don’t stalk them, but monitor behaviors and actions online.
15. African parents, the online experience should help to build social skills and build cultural awareness. Education is influenced, but must be guided by parents and educators working together.
16. Africans “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” The Internet is a global platform, a broad community that represents the world. There is good, bad, dangerous, and deadly.
17. African parents learn new terms so you can understand your child’s conversations.
18. African parents plan to attend workshops, seminars, and conferences.
19. Africans embrace your Afrinerdiness (African Nerds).
Staff Writer; William D. Jackson
Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.
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