Wake Up Flint Michigan: Massah’s Water Bad.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) People and governments do what we let the door get away with. Here we go again with a bunch of African Americans (and others) whining and crying about how the government did not take care of them and do what it was supposed to do. Just as the world witnessed what happened in New Orleans, have we not learned anything people? What will it take for us to realize that we are our own solution and we always have been?

Please tell me our people are not sitting and waiting for people to bring them water. Please tell me our people did not keep bathing their children in toxic water once they saw lesions and skin problems pop up. Please tell me our people are not expecting the government to do the right thing. You see where that expectation has gotten us, but we still keep believing Massah will take care of us.

Enough with the slave mindsets that deny reality. Our country has never been of the people, by the people and for the people – at least not African American people. You can switch presidents all you like, but the foundation of this nation stays the same and overwhelms the progress we have made – if we let it. So why are we in shock when we find out our government is consistent – consistently wrong? And it is not just in Flint. It is in Georgia, in Mississippi, on Native American reservations and other flint-water-2016-black-peopleplaces that have not made it into the news.

The idea that we need someone else to take care of us is a key reason so many African Americans vote for the Democrat in ever election.  It is also one main reason socialist Bernie Sanders is so popular with African Americans. I would go out on a limb and say that most African Americans don’t even know the truth about socialism and many of those who do are O.K. with it. The lazy, complacent and unmotivated people believe they are entitled to something, to be taken care of instead of taking care of themselves. Therefore they see no problem with taking more from the rich because they don’t think the rich should have so much anyway. But if you have the opportunity to go to college, start a business, write a best seller or build an invention and you do not do it – that is your fault, not the fault of those who did it and got paid.


Don’t expect the government to be your parent.

Ultimately all of these statements are true. We are responsible for our health, not the doctor. We are responsible for our safety – the police officer is not our bodyguard. We are responsible for our education, not the teacher or professor. We are responsible for resolving our problems, not the court. We are responsible for our financial success, not the employer and not the government. We need to overstand the role of government and keep it where it belongs. The government is not our parents.

Yes what the local government of Flint, Michigan did and allowed was wrong and likely illegal. Yes it was horrific and in my opinion, it was negligent and officials should be prosecuted. We should be able to count on government, but usually we can’t. Yet on the other side of the coin, we need to realize that ultimately we are responsible for ourselves, like it or not.

I do not trust a government that neither knows me nor cares about my well being as a priority to stand up and take care of me. Do you? Is so, what will it take to wake you up to the reality that it is not happening? The more we realize that we are our own solutions, the more we will act like we know and the better off we will be. But iif you are going to keep waiting on the government to take care of you with welfare, healthcare and EBT programs, you might also want to go have a crystal clear, thirst-quenching glass of refreshing water in Flint because you are laboring under an illusion. We are capable people. Make it happen.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony