Internet Slang – Parents Do You Know the New Language.

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( This past holiday season people are excited about new technologies in watches, phones, glasses, headphones and other digital devices.

Parents are shopping online for their children, grandchildren and other family members to get the latest and greatest devices.  Being connected has exploded to an obsession to have the latest and greatest devices that can reach globally.

The ability to stay connected changes the way children, teens and young adults are communicating. There is a new language that has been created over the years for digital use. Parents  struggle today to keep up with the online slang of their children and even grandparents reflect on their youth when they too had their own slang that could not be deciphered by their parents.

The danger lies in the message that employs codes that can lead to 2016-flakka_whatsexual meetups, drug adventures, Sexting, orgies and other activities. This is not to say that all teens are engaged in sex, drug and alcohol binges, but parents must be cautious and careful of who is influencing their children’s minds and who is sharing information that will entice, encourage and involve them. Aside from ISL, ISIS or other terrorists groups, domestic activities are growing as well for illegal activities that draw children, teens and young adults in that can destroy their lives and even lead to death.

Watching the media and seeing the growth of new illegal drugs like Flakka which is being imported from other countries into the United States that is cheap and easily available. Parents need to be cautious about what is being delivered to their homes, who is visiting their homes not just physically, but digitally and not to leave younger children with equally young  siblings or distracted teens. There is so much to consider and to be cautious of in the age of fast foods, fast Internet and a fast lifestyle. Common sense is important and setting realistic priorities and expectations.

Learning a new language is always challenging, but when children’s lives may be in danger the learning curve should not deter or hinder the will to be educated. Communication is vital to prevent incidents that could lead to harm so parents need to digitally connect with their children and know the language or have resources to decipher their “codes.”

Some of the new language is unknown to parents, but needs to be shared. As always parents take the time to talk to your children and grandchildren. Their actions mostly are based on the wrong information, encouragement by peers and what
they see in movies, music videos and other media.

Education is important: children, teens and young adults will not share with their parents what their friends teach them. Parents in some cases are seen as the enemy, old school and not cool and even threatening. Social Media is flooded with words that share diverse meanings and representations. Parents take the time to build, rebuild or establish communication based on trust, respect and love. Talk to your children, grandchildren and other youth in your lives to build past Social Media, texting and devices that encourage a disconnections of the family not a bonding of the family.

Resources: Slang and Translators
Internet Slang Dictionary

Online Slang Dictionary
Twitter Dictionary

Internet Acronyms Every Parent Should Know
Acronyms for Parents
Internet Slang

What is Flakka and Other Drugs

Disturbing videos: Effects of street drug Flakka
Flakka in South Florida

10 Craziest Drugs You’ve Never Heard Of
Flakka in Central Florida in the News 

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.