Call Me Mister A National Educational Movement.

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( Call Me MISTER National Initiative Mission “To increase the pool of available teachers from a broader more diverse background particular among the State’s lowest performing elementary schools.”

The Call Me MISTER program is contributing to the talent pool of excellent teachers by identifying and supporting young men who are literally positively influencing the future by teaching children.

The Call Me MISTER program at Edward Waters College is a successful endeavor to guide young men that are interested in education. They are provided financial assistance, mentoring and exposure through volunteering and other opportunities within school districts across the nation.

There was once the feeling that young men were not interested in becoming professional educators, that sentiment has been proven wrong by the growing numbers of young men of all cultures being involved in Call Me MISTER programs across the nation.

The shortage of Black, Hispanic, Latino, Haitian and other cultures in education has been a hot bed of discussion about how to get more Call Me Mister Groupqualified and passionate men in education. Studies performed by the National Education Association (NEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and even governmental studies are showing that there is a disconnection with boys and young men across the educational spectrum because of the lack of male educators.

Students may matriculate from elementary and middle school and not see one male except for the custodian. This does not create a welcoming environment for boys who may not have a male connection even at home or a positive connection in their community.

Many churches provide mentoring and rites of passage programs, but education is transformative in building value for the foundation of careers not just sports and entertainment. There are many sources of data that show sports programs do influence young men, but many youth, teens and young adults are interested in the academic applications of school, the Arts and even in STEAM/STEM. To motivate male students and keep them on track, male educators are needed and have a positive influence on female students as well in academic success and building positive self-esteem.

The Call Me MISTER program at Edward Waters College has been involved in many programs in Jacksonville, bringing attention to the need for male teachers that are qualified and certified. Supported by college President Nat Glover, Superintendent N. Vitti and Senator Tony Hill and a community of others, the CMM young men are exposed to mentors that are supportive and have a vested interest in the investment of those that are in school and have a passion for educating children in the schools.

Kenneth Francis; Call Me MISTER Program Manager is an experienced educator and former Principal, his skills and qualifications helps to move the program in a direction of success and transformative change in the future lives of students that the

Call Me MISTER students will be teaching.

According to the Department of Education, Black males only make-up two-percent of the 4.8 million educators across the country. Less than one-percent are elementary school teachers.

Edward Waters College is not the only higher educational institution involved, this is a national program started at Clemson University and has expanded too many HBCU’s nationally. There is even influence overseas where experienced Call Me MISTER educators are recruited to inspire students of culture and color that do not have or are short educators that are knowledgeable and capable in educating children for positive and productive careers in life.

Call Me Mister Programs
Edward Waters College
Educational Requirements for Edward Waters Call Me MISTER

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.