Actually You Don’t “Have To” Do That.

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( “What do you have to do today?” It’s a typical question and most of us answer it by rattling off the list of things we “have to” do, as though life is just one long list of forced chores and assignments.
I have to go to work.
I have to pick up my kids from school.
I have to cook dinner.
I have to pay the bills.
But what if you changed that phrase just slightly and start talking about what you “get to” do.  I mean, there are millions of people in this world who would feel quite blessed to get to do the things you “have to” do. In each thing you claim you “have to” do, there is a blessing:

“I get to go to work,” means you have a job you get paid to do. Have-To-2015
“I get to pick my kids up from school,” means you have children healthy enough to go to school and getting the opportunity every day to learn and grow.

“I have to cook dinner,” means you have food in your kitchen to feed yourself and your family.

“I have to pay the bills,” means you have the resources to pay for things like heat, a place to live, that loan that allowed you to pursue your education.
This week, I invite you to watch how you talk about your “to-do” list. Rather than talking about what you have to do, change that one word from “have” to “get” and you’ll notice a shift in how you feel. That shift is a step towards gratitude. And gratitude is step towards abundance, the realization that your life is rich beyond measure. Experiencing just how rich you are takes only shifting in your attitude.
My challenge to you this week:
Every time you feel tempted to say you “have to,” change the statement to, “I get to.”

Written by Valorie Burton

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